Hatching with 2 broodies

Thanks everyone, Teila, MM, Pooman... I guess I should learn not to count my chicks before they hatch, I was just so upset that it was the java breed.

16 Paws, interesting theory that she knew what she was doing, I don't know how she could know if something wasn't right with it, but it does help to think of her as smart instead of stupidly carrying one out. argh! I can't believe how far she got with it... I'm so upset.. if I had been closer maybe I could have put it back in the nest instead of it getting pecked. no use dwelling on it now I guess, onward and upward.

Shelby, so sorry to hear about the tornado. I hope your family is okay
and so sorry to hear about the baby chick who passed *hugs*

what do you all think about giving my 2nd broody (started sitting 10 days after 1st broody) 2 eggs from the 1st nest? It would be an early hatch, on day 14ish for her, not the full 21 days. Will she accept them?

I started worrying that if she sees broody #1 with her chicks for an entire week, she might try to steal the chicks over to her side. is that a concern? maybe it would be best if they both had chicks hatch the same day. that way the chicks could (hopefully) go back and forth between mamas seamlessly.

I really need the expert advice here because I have never had a broody before and I dont quite know how they think and act! :)
Farmer Viola,

In my last recent co-broody experience(as well as some others on this thread) I found that the co-broodys get along fine until one or two hatch. Then my two started fighting over the chicks and one baby got pecked up pretty bad. Had to take it to the garage and put it under a heat lamp to see if it was going to recover. It did and I returned it to one of the broodys and she was fine with it.
I would sepatate the broodys right before hatch. I did it right after a couple hatched and then after a day or two put them back together. They did fine together after that. I think the mamas need a little time to teach the chicks the sound of their voice so they can start teaching them to eat and such. I remember reading this somewhere also. After that, I had no problems with them together.
I do think you can give the broody the early hatch eggs and she will be fine with them. I really dont think there would be an issue with that. I would make a small chicken wire separation for the co-broodys so they could still see one another but the chicks they have would stay with them. After a few days take it down and watch what they do.
Good afternoon all! Well I have one for all to ponder and please give me your thoughts on this one! I was told today that you can sex your chickens by holding them upside down and a male will fight his way back onto his feet while a female will just lay there????? I don't have the heart to do that to my chicks ( thats is just mean!!! And a good way to have them fear you?? Just my opinion!) Has anyone tried this and does it really work????

I had not heard of that method but I have heard of this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/36320/how-to-sex-a-chicken-wisdom-from-an-old-timer. It is widely poo-pooed by BYC peeps. I so do not like the wait to find out and am always guessing and second guessing and worrying but I am pretty sure that both of these methods work about 50% of the time.
Maybe a little more b/c I can see a little cockerel fighting being held like that more often than a little pullet.

I lost an egg under Gracie Belle on day 17 yesterday. It looked like it had been viable and I don't know what happened exactly but all fingers point to Joan Baez getting in the nest and IDK squishing/pecking/doing something b/c she had laid an egg in the nest...it was a little cockerel...poor little thing. The rest (6) are due to hatch friday but if they are like others in this warm weather it will be tomorrow. I candled and they are all good to go inspite of being pooed upon.

And the little blind chick...did I tell you about it? The last EE to hatch is blind. I think it has no eyes. It had functioning eye lids but now they are closed on the dull flat dark places behind. Anyway I have been giving it Nutridrench but have left it with momma and its siblings. Today it is a week old and it is still doing alright. We will see what happens. Someohow it is getting fed and watered. My daughters pointed out that it is probably the only pullet in that hatch which also includes the blue baby, the pale blue/splash baby and the red and blue baby.
@Farmer Viola I am sorry and I know what you mean about being especially bummed that it was a Java. Your friend raises them right? I hope that you are able to get some eggs again and avoid mishaps. I lost a little Del cockerel. They are 9 weeks old but he just went missing day before yesterday. haven't seen feathers or anything. They range and my Dels have frequently been too bold for their own good so he may have been less than cautious and got too close to something he shouldn't have

I was interested in Javas because they have a mottled variety and because they are a heritage breed but I have turned my attention to Pita Pintas because a) I can get them easier and b) they are reportedly more friendly than any other breed c) they are also mottled. I have three that are showing good veining in the incubator hatch due on the 4th.

Also in that hatch are 4 Konza Praire Rangers I will be giving these 7 chicks to Godiva or maybe Norma who is acting broody but not totally committed and she has still been laying an egg a day. I will decide next week. No one is getting eggs until the 2rd because we are going OOT for the weekend the 17th of July to the 21st and I don't want any chicks hatching while I am gone.
Good Morning Team

MM good to hear that the introductions went well, if not a little embarrassing for one little leghorn rooster

SC sorry to read about your chicks and the tornado, mother nature can be a bit harsh sometimes

PM good luck with the broody and bator hatches .. looking forward to the pictures

FV I read somewhere that broodies do not really have a concept of time which is why they will sometimes continue to sit for months in the hopes that an egg will hatch. I have never tried it but I think your second broody should accept the chicks if they hatch after 14 days. As long as she does not already have eggs due to hatch a week later as she will need to hop off the nest to care for the chicks that hatched early.

I agree with 16 paws and would give mumma and bubbies some alone time to bond. That is just my opinion based on my girls chickenalities though; I know that others on this thread have had successful co-broody hatches, Liz, IC (sorry if I missed anyone). Like 16 paws I had issues with squabbling; not over the chicks so much but more over the nest box and the little bubbies were at risk of getting caught in the cross fire.

LM like you, I do not think that sounds like a nice way to start a relationship with your littlies. As much as it messes with my patience levels waiting to find out if my bubbies are boys or girls, I would rather do that than put them through any unnecessary trauma to sex them .. the outcome is not going to change

I guess if there is a need to know at an early age what their sex is so that a decision can be made early on their fate, anything is worth a try but as TG said, 50% chance

I prefer to wait and know for sure that they are boys or girls; would hate to part with a beautiful little girl. Wish I could keep them all but no roosters allowed here and if I had kept them all, I would now have 5 girls and 7 roosters

TG sorry you lost your little in-the-egg-rooster. Good luck for Friday or sooner
looking forward to those bubby pictures also

No, I do not remember reading about your little blind chickie; definitely interested to hear how she goes. Bit of a bummer that she may be the only pullet.

In general news:

I got nothing! Lol
Situation normal!
Good afternoon all! Well I have one for all to ponder and please give me your thoughts on this one! I was told today that you can sex your chickens by holding them upside down and a male will fight his way back onto his feet while a female will just lay there????? I don't have the heart to do that to my chicks ( thats is just mean!!! And a good way to have them fear you?? Just my opinion!) Has anyone tried this and does it really work????

Totally not true.
Not when they're chicks..not when they're adults. This is not true at any point although I have also heard it. When I'm catching chickens when selling them the easiest way to hand them off is to hold them by their feet. Most chickens will go limp when you hold them like that. Sometimes males will just give up. Sometimes females will. Sometimes the females flap and twist to try to right themselves and sometimes the males will as well.
It's another one of those goofy sexing tricks.
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Good afternoon all! Well I have one for all to ponder and please give me your thoughts on this one! I was told today that you can sex your chickens by holding them upside down and a male will fight his way back onto his feet while a female will just lay there????? I don't have the heart to do that to my chicks ( thats is just mean!!! And a good way to have them fear you?? Just my opinion!) Has anyone tried this and does it really work????

I had not heard of that method but I have heard of this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/36320/how-to-sex-a-chicken-wisdom-from-an-old-timer.  It is widely poo-pooed by BYC peeps.  I so do not like the wait to find out and am always guessing and second guessing and worrying but I am pretty sure that both of these methods work about 50% of the time. ;)   Maybe a little more b/c I can see a little cockerel fighting being held like that more often than a little pullet.

I lost an egg under Gracie Belle on day 17 yesterday.   It looked like it had been viable and I don't know what happened exactly but all fingers point to Joan Baez getting in the nest and IDK squishing/pecking/doing something b/c she had laid an egg in the nest...it was a little cockerel...poor little thing. The rest (6) are due to hatch friday but if they are like others in this warm weather it will be tomorrow.  I candled and they are all good to go inspite of being pooed upon.

And the little blind chick...did I tell you about it?  The last EE to hatch is blind.  I think it has no eyes.  It had functioning eye lids but now they are closed on the dull flat dark places behind.  Anyway I have been giving it Nutridrench but have left it with momma and its siblings.   Today it is a week old and it is still doing alright.  We will see what happens.  Someohow it is getting fed and watered.  My daughters pointed out that it is probably the only pullet in that hatch which also includes the blue baby, the pale blue/splash baby and the red and blue baby.
also chickens don't seem to hold grudges... they might hate you until the next time you're holding some corn. That is why they will keep going up to things that will eat them..so I don't think they will hate you.
TG sorry you lost your little in-the-egg-rooster. Good luck for Friday or sooner
looking forward to those bubby pictures also

No, I do not remember reading about your little blind chickie; definitely interested to hear how she goes. Bit of a bummer that she may be the only pullet.

In general news:

I got nothing! Lol
Situation normal!

Me too Teila...Those eggs were rocking back and forth when I looked at them this morning and I thought of you b/c Gracie Belle was "nattering away" at them.

Norma has gone broody again I believe. Round two for her. She gets eggs next week

Julie has also stuck tightly to that nest and has forbidden anyone who may have wanted to use the one next to her from doing so...She is mega grumpy. I am giving her 3 Marans chicks tomorrow. they will be 6 days old so I hope that she accepts them and they accept her and that the adoption goes smoothly. If not I will have the brooder set up anyway since I will be chick sitting a bunch of marans babies this week. In exchange I can keep any/all of them. Not keeping all but am keeping at least the three littlest.

My blind baby didn't make it. It was a tough little thing but it couldn't keep up. I don't think it got cold but it looks like maybe bigger birds trampled it. I found it on its side in the coop yesterday evening.
I know some people will say I should have euthanized it from teh start but I felt it deserved a chance. Others will say I didn't do enough but I really don't have time to coddle a chicken that can't fend for itself so I gave it vitamins and left it to momma and nature. I am not surprised it didn't make it but I was hopeful that it might.

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