Have you been watching the news?



6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
Because I haven't. I can't. I have no power since Friday noon, and the best estimate for repair is Wednesday 11:30pm. So if it's been in the news I'm one of those people. And no, I don't have a generator.
Why post this here? Because last Monday I brought home two 6 week old pullets to add to my flock of three 21 week old pullets. I have never heated the coop and now am determined I never will. It's now almost a week later and the gals are all in better shape out there than my family is in the house! And one of my 22 week old gals just started laying eggs so I'm gonna take that as a sign they're not unhappy.
Just thought I'd share.:)
I use my cell for my internet. Power company's best bet is Wednesday. Family just turns this into a total homestead event. Extra clothes, blankets, silly word games, and cook everything in the fridge. Not a bad thing cuz now I get to clean it thoroughly when power cones back.
Here's an example of our meals today.
Baked apple with brown sugar and cinnamon, Italian Sausage.
Hard boiled eggs (apologies, from the store, I only have one gal out of 5 who just started laying 4 days ago) and
Pasta shells. Started the eggs, later added shells, ladeled out the eggs, put them in a metal bowl in the snow, burried them in fresh snow, poured off water, threw in cheese ends to melt. Voila, mac n cheese. No sense wasting water when you have to buy it.:old:lau
OH, and potatoes in the fire wrapped in aluminum pie tins cuz I ran out of aluminum foil. :lau:gig:lau:gig
I'd love a wood stove. :drool
Don't worry, we stay warm. And doggies are great on your lap even if they are too big to be lap dogs. They snuggle in bed too :D

I guess the point of my post is that it's best to not heat the coop. My gals would be dead by now if I had.
I saw a pic of.my breeder sitting in his car late at night with a box of baby day old chicks to keep them warm and monitor the temp. Bless his heart.
Because I haven't. I can't. I have no power since Friday noon, and the best estimate for repair is Wednesday 11:30pm. So if it's been in the news I'm one of those people. And no, I don't have a generator.
Why post this here? Because last Monday I brought home two 6 week old pullets to add to my flock of three 21 week old pullets. I have never heated the coop and now am determined I never will. It's now almost a week later and the gals are all in better shape out there than my family is in the house! And one of my 22 week old gals just started laying eggs so I'm gonna take that as a sign they're not unhappy.
Just thought I'd share.:)
Glad you're getting through it. At those ages the birds are definitely not in need of supplemental heating....same not necessarily true of we humans. Been through my share of outage days/weeks in depth of winter temps, no fun at all.
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