Have you found that some hatcheries are more accurate at sexing than others?


In the Brooder
Sep 13, 2020
Sandy, OR
Hi! I ordered 8 ducklings from My Pet Chicken and they are finally to the age where I can tell that two were not sexed accurately. I ordered 7females and 1 male and ended up with three males which is going to be an issue unless I get more females (which I plan to do). Anyway, I know sexing can be difficult and not 100% accurate, but have you had better results with different hatcheries? I’ll be ordering more female ducks and a pair of geese in the spring.
Good question. I’ve had great experience with CackleHatchery. I’ve only ordered 4 ducks from them, but all were accurately sexed, very healthy, and strong when they arrived. I’ve never ordered an inaccurately sexed chicken from them either.

I suggest you maybe try them/look into them one day.

My own experience obviously doesn’t sum up everyone’s. Do your “research” and listen to other people’s reviews :)
Good question. I’ve had great experience with CackleHatchery. I’ve only ordered 4 ducks from them, but all were accurately sexed, very healthy, and strong when they arrived. I’ve never ordered an inaccurately sexed chicken from them either.

I suggest you maybe try them/look into them one day.

My own experience obviously doesn’t sum up everyone’s. Do your “research” and listen to other people’s reviews :)

Thank you! Yeah, I’m wondering if I just got unlucky, but 2 wrong out of 8 seems like a pretty bad accuracy rate.
All the birds I’ve gotten from cackle & murray McMurray have been properly sexed (easter & Olive eggers) but they both included “bonus” birds which have all been male. All sexed birds (12 different breeds) from Hoover’s have been accurate but the one straight run bird was male. I asked them not to include any extras! So I’d say generally they’ve been pretty accurate but that may also be due to the breeds I’ve selected!
ETA: I’ve only ordered chickens, not ducks
All the birds I’ve gotten from cackle & murray McMurray have been properly sexed (easter & Olive eggers) but they both included “bonus” birds which have all been male. All sexed birds (12 different breeds) from Hoover’s have been accurate but the one straight run bird was male. I asked them not to include any extras! So I’d say generally they’ve been pretty accurate but that may also be due to the breeds I’ve selected!
ETA: I’ve only ordered chickens, not ducks

All of my purchased chicks (25 chicks, 7 different breeds) have come from Cackle and were 100% correctly sexed. My "bonus" birds for any that I bought sexed were pullets. It's possible that extra bonus males were put in mail orders to help keep the others warm during shipping? I picked mine up locally.
In nearly twenty years of ordering I've only ever had one incorrectly sexed pullet out of many different hatcheries and many, many chicks. It was this year ordered through My Pet Chicken that I received a cockerel instead of a pullet. They refunded my money but it sets me back since I ordered only two pullets to begin with. Their customer service is excellent, btw but it was the first order from them and the first mistake on sexing ever... so it doesn't inspire confidence.

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