Hawaii has roaches...

I breed roaches to feed my leopard geckos and bearded dragon, not the typical pest roach but an exotic species that can't climb, fly, and doesn't stink. It's a much better alternative to store bought feeder crickets. Crickets die easily, stink, chrip, jump, and are such a pain. The roaches I breed (Blaptica dubia, or orange spotted roach) get to around 2 1/2 inches and I have around 1,000 in my colony. I find them pretty cool

well the palmetto bugs (roaches) in south carolina do attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can see them turning their heads while hanging onto the wall and then when they spot you they fly right at you!!!!!!!!!!!
They sort of look like those hissing cockroaches!!
ewwww. I know what you mean about stinky bugs, and yes those crickets do STINK! We've got a leopard gecko and a bearded dragon here, so I know all to well!! Do you ever get those palmetto bugs? Run as fast as you can, they fly right at you!!!
leopard geckos and bearded dragon?? not the typical pest roach but an exotic species ???

Phytons, Boa's, Phirana, No wonder everybody is in a hurry to leave Florida.
I guess I'd better not ever show that centipede pic to my DH, or he'll never want to take me to Hawai'i.

Since we're posting pics of nasty bugs, how about one of these from Michigan?

This vile thing actually came at me instead of flying away when I went to kill it last year. It took quite a bit of Ortho Home Defense Max to dispatch it.

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