Hawk attack. Killed my sweet hen. Worried about the others....

They will be OK, but will be on high alert for quite a while. More seriously, be aware that the hawk will return. Keep them in a secure roofed pen and only free range when you are there. If it is a migratory bird, it should move on in a week or so. If it is a resident bird, it may become an ongoing problem. Good luck with this situation.
So sorry!
They might be spooked for a couple of days, my flock was last fall when it happened here.
A little warm nighty bighty might make them feel better
hang in there
I was on the verge of letting them out for an afternoon when I watched a hawk pick a squirrel right off our fence. It'll be a while before they go anywhere except the fenced in garden with the bird netting on top. At least until the trees and bushes leaf out!

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