Hay ~vs~ Shavings

hay isn't absorbent, easily grows mold and mildew, is dusty, and is a bloody mess to clean up. it could be more cost effective, especially if you have a local source for mulch hay, but i personally wouldn't trade the effectiveness of shavings for the inexpense of hay. i've used straw as bedding for post surgery and post foaling with my horses and i always do a little happy dance when i can go back to straight shavings.

try it, see what you think. just beware of damp and mold, which could kill your chickens. you have to be nasty neat if you're going to use hay as bedding material.
I plan on using straw because we get it for 2 bucks a bundle close by us. Otherwise I would use pine shavings too. If it's to much to clean up I will go to pine shavings...it may cost more but I don't think I will be cleaning the coop as often as I do the straw. I will find out in a few weeks
I am totally clueless about this whole chicken thing <lol>, but I don't really understand not cleaning the coop everyday, or ever other day or whatever it needs. My son cleans our neighbor's horse stalls EVERY day. What am I missing??

Would the hay also provide good forage for the birds? Keep in mind, I am clueless so I'm just sort of "stretchin' my wings here".
Hi, I'd be careful in using hay.I used to use it for my nestboxes only to find my hens chowing down on it. :mad: It did lead to some of them having impacted crops.I only use wheat straw now.
the other thing you have to know to use straw is what type of straw it is (i assume you know, since it's all over the place around you!) i wouldn't use rye straw for any animal application whatsoever, as it could harbour ergot, a fatally toxic fungus.
I use straw for ducks and geese - the shavings just don't have the staying power required for these messy critters. I have learned that you cannot really deep straw with waterfowl - gets stinky pretty fast. Shavings are about the same price as straw, but I only use them if I run out. In my opinion the straw is easier to clean up, plus the donkeys like to lay in it.

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