Hazel's Beak injury, updated (Saturday 21st) with new pics!

I'll check marlenes in the morning, a health food store down the street.
Hazel is sleeping now.
I will check her mouth tomarrow.
Both dominiques are friendly and easy to handle so for the most part it should'nt be that difficult to hold her.

I havent tried to open a birds mouth since 1995 when I used to hand feed parrots, and they were more then willing to open.
We will see how that part goes. :eek:

Thanks again,
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The aspirin in the water is a good idea. 5 tablets in a gallon of water might be better than one (Wes in Texas recommends 5). She is stressed and probably not drinking alot. So more in her water will get to the pain faster.
I may go with the other renmemdeys if I can find them, is it ok if the other chickens get the asprin as well? I really dont have a way to seperate her.

As for the unsettled atmosphere in the coop, it might be they sense something and don't know what and they get thrown for a loop. (We just put two teenage pullets it eh coop and they sem to jostle for position a lot. I know it will settle down). Yours should get settled soon.
the truth is that they were probably too cramped on the south side so, if this causes them to sit on the other side it could be a good thing.
They have a ton of roost space but they all cramp themselves into one corner of it.
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I wish I could report more but today did not go as planned.
Hazel seems better but I was unable to do much for her today.
My wife got home late and there were a million things going on today, I have a one year old and as much as ide like to have done more with hazel, I never had the oppertunity.

I was supposed to have family over and was planing to have them watch the baby while I took care of hazel but they canceled out on me.

Was pretty frustrating not to be able to do anything more then observe her, I wanted to get a look in her mouth, that will have to wait till tomarrow.

She is in for the night now, she is eating better and drinking, she is obviously still haveing problems from the injury but is in better shape then yesterday.
Yesterday I was not able to do much as far as looking at her beak, its hard to hold a chicken and a one year old baby at the same time.

Got a look today and here is what I saw.
In profile you can see the missing layer of beak pretty well.
I am wondering if the layer, that is now missing, will grow back?

With her tongue down. The Irony of these pics is that you can see where I drilled through my thumbnail when I built their coop.

And, she was so kind as to show under her tongue as well.

She seems to be doing better, From the way she is acting, the pain must be alot less or gone now.
She still does the thing with her tongue a little bit.
I think the "Fat lip" analogy was probably correct about that.

I dont see any sign of anything in her mouth or throat.

Thank you all for your help advise and good wishes.
I'm thinking she's probably going to be ok at this point.

I am looking for any suggestions on how to curb her sisters aggrssive tendancies, thats probably what caused this.
So glad to hear that Hazel is on the mend!

Curious to read what suggestions the more experienced members will offer for her sister (I'm new at this).

As an adjunct to whatever else you try, again I'll plug the flower remedies. We've used them for our dogs' behavioural problems in the past, and they can be used with any animal (or human). You'd want to get a good idea of which remedy to use, so finding a text which speaks more to the animal behaviours you'll need to identify would be best (or talk with an animal expert experienced with the remedies). I can't remember if Bach Flower Remedies for Animals spoke specifically about birds, but you still might glean enough from it (I've loaned my copy out, so I can't check). Again, Holistic Care for Birds covers the remedies as well (author is McCluggage, my vet whom I recommended to you in an earlier post).

The changes with flower remedies are subtle and can take several weeks. But they are powerful and can be a wonderful adjunct to other changes you might try.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
I'll need to show this post to my wife, she can get just about anything from the library.
She's the library expert

Since the injury Domineak has been less agressive toward the other chickens, but we went to give them treats today, after we took the pictures, and she is way too "in your face"
She likes people but she is too aggressive about it and tends to bite when she knows there are treats.
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Hazel is acting pretty much normal today, back to eating scratching etc...
Havent seen the tongue thing today.
Dominique has'nt been chaseing her around since the accident.
I'll never know for sure that that's what caused it, but it seems the most logical possablity.

Hopefully her aggressiveness towards Hazel is gone for good.

The Australorps have continued to sleep in their new position on the north side
good thing , I think they were too cramped on the south side. When I built it I had kinda figured , one chicken per side, oh well hehe.

Thanks again to all that helped me out with this.

I'll be adding anything new on the Chickens to This Thread.
At least on the short term.
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