Health insurance rant.

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Well, FDR's New Deal certainly contained socialistic elements, as did Johnson's War on Poverty and other portions of his Great Society programs. However, neither of these were in the '50s.
Sonoran, during the fifties, especially right after the war the government owned most utilities, electric, phone and water. Additionally, and perhaps most tellingly, in order to keep the boom flourishing they set strict wage controls (this is truly where this gadawful insurance system we have comes from). They also set production and output goals and quotas for many of the major manufacturing firms in order to control the amount of any given thing on the market. THAT is socialism.

At the time no one blinked because they had faith in the government. But, as I mentioned this insurance issue is an unintended side effect of the wage controls. Employers fighting to get better employees began offering health insurance as a benefit that skirted the controls.

It saddens me how few people know this. FDRs plan smacked of socialism and post WWII America had many socialistic patterns. It wasn't labeled and no one cared.

I am showing you a negative side effect of this type of socialism while still saying that what we have now is so far from socialism as to be another thing all together. Why do so many assume there is a limited pool of "isms" you can choose from? They are all man made constructs and simply labels. Almost all countries now have what is referred to as a mixed market economy.
We can't afford Health Insurance (we are both unemployed), but we don't qualify for any kind of Government help (welfare, medicaid, financial assistance or uncompensated care), as we are "over income" due to hubby's retirement pay (but he no longer gets unemployment). So I hope we don't get sick or injured. We'd just have to lay there in the street until the last car runs us over & kills us I guess. Oh Yes, Obama certainly implemented "change". Woo Hoo. Yet if we weren't actual Americans, the hospital staff would be happy to peel us off the street and save us, so we could breed like rabbits!
Yup..yup.. You actually get MORE benefits if your illegal..
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^ AND you don't have to fill out the census, since they can't prove you didn't... not like ME where the minute they check my IRS, SS, FBI record they'll know I flat out didn't fill out the ACS... but that's another rant...

Sorta ties in though... if that info is so they know how much cash is needed for Medicaid... then just what exactly does race have to do with it... and not just ONE race question, but specifically 'are you of Hispanic decent?" now why would THAT matter in funding for programs huh?
sorry bout the typos
I said I was out but this is another matter.
Please folks, if you repressentitives are not doing a good job and you are dissatisfied with the direction things are going you HAVE TO VOTE. Please send bad representitives to the unemployment line.
Yesterday I was listening to ca representitive Pete Stark telling his consituents that if a wall were built on the southern border he would start selling ladders.
Is it just me or does it seem as if they are not listening.
16 million unemployed americans, 8 million jobs taken by illegal immigrants.
This attitude the representitive showed was not an isolated incidcent.
It really seems as if the inmates are running the asylum.

End this in November.

I am half hispanic so if I am a racist I must hate myself. My grandparents all came here legally and jumped throuhg the hoops. It was a big deal to gain your citizenship. you had to exhibit prficency in english and know history and civics. You had to want to become a part of America. I was in the Navy, when you get back here after going on deployment you will kiss the ground. this is the greatest country in the world, but we have lost our way...
The last 18 months have been plauged with pretzel logic and misguided leadership. The 4 year preceeing that werent fantastic either but jees louise this is outrageous.
We are NOW becoming a laughing stock.
Everyone in the world wants a better life, but they cant all come here. Isint it fair to let in the people who apply and wait and jump through those hoops rather than those who kick in the door at night and demand a seat at the table. So we can put a man on the moon, launch a war to find 1 man, but cant deport people who knowingly break our laws and then shove it in our faces. And then our LEADERS ignore our pleas relief.
I cant do it by myself
Geck it is not a matter of finding them to deport it is that there is no will by politicians to deport a large voting base. That's right Wiley Coyote, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck seem to be all Hispanic voters. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!

It was estimated that in one county in NC that 5 percent of the democratic vote was illegal voters. From what I have heard from others it is a nationwide trend. And all the while we the legal voting populace are ignored, and lately outright have our leader thumb his nose at us. But it is our own fault we led the politicians to this path by being so needy, Washington knows that we no longer vote by our principles but by how we can get paid off with entitlements.
EXACTLY! A very simple, clean, and accurate way of summing it up.

BTW, Great Post Gecko.... many many moons back, I have no idea how many, ours immigrated from Ireland, Holland, Germany... and they didn't climb a fence... they started out broke, in a shack, but legal... it is frustrating to see criminals (break the law you're a criminal very basic 5 year old definition) driving around (again illegally since they don't bother with a license OR insurance) in a brand new truck because their cash is good at the car place... and since their anchor baby qualifies their ENTIRE HOUSE for free food, free insurance, free education... well why not blow your cash on a new truck?

Meanwhile I can't fix the tranny in my 17yo car... thanks in part to the huge chunk that's taken from our checks to pay for those programs... that even though we're poverty line we don't qualify for... and bonus points for the race question being on THAT form too.

Seriously, we shuffle along as it is... what the heck are we going to do when MORE is taken out and we still don't qualify for help -in programs I loathe anyways-... we'll be a family of HARDWORKING, TAXPAYING AMERICANS unable to feed ourselves that's what.
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See if there is a local plan in your county or area. I'd call the health department. I know that my cousin is on a plan that is run by the county. And actually a lot of doctors accept the insurance. It's for those who don't have or can't afford insurance, yet they aren't eligible for Medicaid. Hoping something like that exists where you are!
Say thank you to your Congressmen who voted against the "single payer" plan for your situation. Oh, and also thank the "corporatists" citizens who think they still are and still call themselves "conservatives". Ignorance is bliss to them.
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