Health insurance rant.

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Again, thank the "corporatist" congressmen for allowing illegals to walk across our borders to become cheap labor.
Fences? What a joke. We should have thousands of rotating land mines all along our borders; otherwise, they have no reason to not walk in.
We are spending at least 20% of the federal budget to pay for medicare/ medicaid above the taxes and fees collected. The true cost is hidden.

All costs are going up, and thanks to the administrations policy of printing new money at a breakneck pace, the dollar is going to buy less and less.

And yet they sit on a large chunk of the "stimulus" too be used as a future slush ( buy the vote of a representitive) fund. I guess the goal was not to get americans working but only to get them working in the select areas that support this dubious cap and trade energy policy.

My insurance copays, drug costs, dr visits all went up too.

Please go back and really read how the cost savings happen. It cant work and provide the level of care we have in the us. If you are a child or over 50 you will not be a priority for medical care. Then once the people see that they will charge MORE money to really cover everyone.
There are no good answers here.
Lets get rid of millions who are not supposed to be here or once and for all determine that they belong here.
Amen, round 'em up like cattle, ship 'em back, and dare 'em to come back without permission to come as a temporary worker for a predescribed/pre-approved job that specifies when they must return to where they came from.
Again, thank the "corporatist" congressmen for allowing illegals to walk across our borders to become cheap labor.
Fences? What a joke. We should have thousands of rotating land mines all along our borders; otherwise, they have no reason to not walk in.

You would be talking about our POTUS then right? After all he accepted a jet from ADM for his campaign, and donations from Monsanto, and big oil, not to mention donations from Rock Island Armory plus many others that were dubious to say the least. Now ADM and Monsanto want to outlaw the small and home farmer.

To be clear there is NOT one congressman, president, governor, on and on that does not accept bribes...oops I mean contributions from corporations, on either side.
Again, thank the "corporatist" congressmen for allowing illegals to walk across our borders to become cheap labor.
Fences? What a joke. We should have thousands of rotating land mines all along our borders; otherwise, they have no reason to not walk in.

You would be talking about our POTUS then right? After all he accepted a jet from ADM for his campaign, and donations from Monsanto, and big oil, not to mention donations from Rock Island Armory plus many others that were dubious to say the least. Now ADM and Monsanto want to outlaw the small and home farmer.

To be clear there is NOT one congressman, president, governor, on and on that does not accept bribes...oops I mean contributions from corporations, on either side.

Actually, there are exceptions, but they're few and far between. Evidently though, there aren't enough exceptions to the rule to free us from our enslavement to the corporations that run our "government".
Joe, I just have to wonder where these politicians are that do not accept corporate money? If you know of any please let the rest of us know who they are?

This is why I have a problem when a finger is pointed at a few politicians by ideology when they all accept corporate money. Let's just take a look at the recent passage supported by none the less than AARP. Care to guess who received monies from AARP and care to guess who is going to benefit greatly by the sales of stop gap insurance that will be needed by seniors to survive the cuts. Amazing how that worked out for the POTUS and AARP.

BTW our insurance went up 40% after the passage and from the looks of it we are also going to have to buy a stop gap coverage. It isn't worth it anymore to be responsible and carry insurance.
Sorry, this is not a political platform. Apologies to the OP for the political turn this took.

Folks, please check your politics at the door.

Joe and Walking Wolf, there are other forums out there more suited to your "discussion". Thanks
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