heat and humidity in SE arkansas


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
I am planning to move my 4 week old RIR chicks outside into my new chicken tractor and henhouse today and was concerned about going from inside my home to outside with a heat index of 103 this weekend. Will it be too hard on them?
Good question. What is the indoor temperature they're used to?

You're right that it's better to acclimate birds slowly to temperature changes. Is there any way you could do this gradually? Say, put them out in the morning when it's a bit cooler, bring them back indoors when it gets 10-15 degrees hotter than what they're used to? And every day, extending this a bit?

You can also do a search here for tips about offering relief from hot weather.
It's around 75-80 deg in our utility room with the ac vent shut off. There are 15 of them and I really need to get them outside they are very restless and getting out of the cardboard box.
OMG...I am glad that I am not the only one with Chicks in the house getting restless. I have my husband outside building them a temporary run for day time...but I am way too worried to keep them outside at nite. I wish I had just bought the coops like I wanted to but the hubby wanted to build me an A-frame with the kids old swingset. Gotta love the hubby!!! I feel your pain...I have mine in the master bathtub which is large, but not for 13 restless chicks wanting to spread their wings and fly a bit. Good luck!!!
I just posted about basically the same problem here in SW Arkansas. My chicks, already outside from the start, are not happy with me using a brooder light on them in this oppressive heat.
Elmo gave you great advice. I would also suggest a tiny bit of poultry electrolytes in their water while they adjust. I have my adult birds on it every summer and I'm using it with my three day old chicks, giving them one waterer of plain water and one with the electrolytes added.
I bought the electrolytes specifically made for poultry at our farmer's co-op.
You might try freezing water in a 2 liter soda bottle and putting it in with them when the temp gets too high. Mine love it; they drink the cold droplets of condensation and some lay next to it, some sit on it!
I freeze gallon jugs of water and bury them in the ground, this lets them dust bath and lay on the cool ground, the ice melts way slower in the ground.

I also use a fan.

Hmm. It's not going to be very practical to shuttle 15 chicks back and forth between indoors and outdoors, is it? I did it last year with five chicks, and that was enough of a handful.

You could try putting them out on a day when you can keep a close eye on them, checking every hour or so to see how they're doing. If they're panting, holding their wings out, and looking distressed, you can take steps to help them cool off.

I forgot to ask...are your chickens heat tolerant breeds? If they are, they probably will manage the change over ok with your close observation; I'm sure they'll appreciate the extra room to roam, too.

I have heat tolerant bantams. I've noticed that even when my hens are panting, the four and five week old chicks aren't bothered by the heat. They've been outside during the day since they hatched, but it seems like we went from "warm" to "OMG HOT!" very suddenly this year. Keep an eye on them and your chicks will probably manage the transition just fine.

They're lucky having someone so concerned about their well being taking care of them.

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