Heat lamp? Cheaper way to heat?

I have a 250watt Heat lamp bulb and its running my electricity bill up like mad. The chicks are 3 weeks old and still need heat. Is there a cheaper alternative? Something that uses less power? I'm switching to a 120watt now But will keep an eye on them. Thanks for any advice!
-click cluck
I have an idea but it will involve changing the water every couple of hours so a bit inconvenient.
You could fill anything (cans, juice bottle with a lid, etc) with hot water, put a towel over but like so it's a pocket and the chicks can snuggle in. Our electricity always goes out in storms so this has helped me since it's electricity free
How many do you have? At 3 weeks they only need 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If it’s around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and you have multiple chicks you won’t need heat at all

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