Heat lamp or heat pad?

While I use a heat lamp I see the benefits of the pads.
For me the comfort I get seeing the red glow knowing my heat source is working.....well it does not outweigh the benefits of a natural day night cycle.

Then there is also the risk of fire from heat lamps one must consider.

Next round I will be seeking out a heat pad without automatic shut off.

For ducklings.....well dry is needed for heat pad safety and ducklings are anything BUT dry.
Heat pads are better. They allow the chicks to choose when they want heat, not always have heat. There is less risk of fire. Also, there is not giant light always above the chicks, which interferes with their sleep cycle. A heat plate allows them to get a natural sleep cycle instead of a constant light. Chicks also feather faster under a heat plate.

If you decide to use a light, I would suggest using a infrared bulb so the constant light isn't as strong (chickens can see infrared, but it is not as harsh as visible light). I use infrared bulbs for turkeys and broilers and they work just as well as an incandescent light, but the low light output is better for them.
I have not brooded chicks but would take a heat plate or pad over a lamp any day. There's a much lower risk of fire, the chicks can choose when they want heat, much like with a broody hen, it gets the chicks on a natural day/night cycle so they get plenty of sleep and do fine outside, and they feather out faster because of the non constant heat.
Are you able to regulate the heat pad?
Make sure the chicks can move off the pad to be cooler and not burn their feet. Regulating the heat source is very important.
The MHP is built like a cave. They go under it. Touch their backs to the pad. I did a quick article Outdoor brooding and MHP. Don't know how o link it here. Anyway the heat pad was set to medium heat for two weeks. Then low for a couple weeks. Then they didn't need it. That was in June.

Search for MHP. It is a great system.
I will probably have one were they go under and yes they can move away from it so if they are to hot they can move away.

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