*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

"Okay, now, let's get a few more before we go back." Sunstar said.

Wildpaw nods and hides her rabbit well under a bush to come back to before she turned back to her mentor ready to continue hunting.

Silverstream smiled back and purred warmly.

Blizzardkit looks at his paws for a moment trying to figure out what to say, he had no idea where to start or even knew if Silverstream was the cat he was looking for, finally after a moment of silence he looked up and spoke confidently "I'm Blizzardkit and I heard you come from Frostclan like me so I was wondering if you knew a she-cat named Snowstripe, you see she was mother and she recently passed away and I'm in search of my sister who is said to reside here" he looked at Silverstream with such a fierce expression full of many emotions that looked to powerful to fit on his small kit face
Name: Willowpaw
Age: 9 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Personality: Sweet kind and cute can be snappy
Clan: DawnClan
Description(NO PHOTO): Pale sandy coloured tabby, with leaf green eyes
History: Born in FrostClan she realized she didn't belong, so betrayed her clan and joined DawnClan
Mate: None
Kits: None
Rank: Apprentice
Username: Feather Hearts

Name: Leopardclaw
Age: 20 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Personality: Snappish and can be demanding to her apprentice, Willowpaw. But, a good cat at heart.
Clan: DawnClan
Description(NO PHOTO): Golden bengal she-cat with ice blue eyes.
History: Born and raised in DawnClan she would give her life to protect her clan
Mate: Dustclaw
Kits: None
Rank: Warrior/ Mentor
Username: Feather Hearts

Willowpaw twitched with anticipation, as she lay in wait for the rabbit she was stalking. It had been in the clearing for a few minutes now, and would soon let down it's guard. I have to do this. The thoughts fluttered in her head, making it pound. She was behind the other apprentices and catching this rabbit would surely move her up.
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Wildpaw nods and hides her rabbit well under a bush to come back to before she turned back to her mentor ready to continue hunting.
Blizzardkit looks at his paws for a moment trying to figure out what to say, he had no idea where to start or even knew if Silverstream was the cat he was looking for, finally after a moment of silence he looked up and spoke confidently "I'm Blizzardkit and I heard you come from Frostclan like me so I was wondering if you knew a she-cat named Snowstripe, you see she was mother and she recently passed away and I'm in search of my sister who is said to reside here" he looked at Silverstream with such a fierce expression full of many emotions that looked to powerful to fit on his small kit face

Silverstream looked straight into his eyes before quietly speaking. "Snowstripe was my mother." She looked down at the ground kneading her paws into the soft earth, upset by her and Blizzardkits loss. It suddenly dawned on her that Blizzardkit was her brother and she purred, giving him a rough affectionate lick on the face.
Amberpool walks up to Swanstar and asks: "Can I go lead a hunting patrol?" 

"Foxfire?Can !aberpool lead a hunting patrol?"she asked.
Foxfire nodded,"sure thing!"she meowed,"Im bringing Jaypaw around the Teratory"she meowed."Hollypaw, Silverstep, go with Amberpool."
Goldentail said,"I look after your kits!"and with that she crawled back in the nursery.
Stormpaw ran into Nettlewaters den,"can I help you with anything, Nettlewater?"she asked.
Silverstep nuzzled noses excitedly with her first apprentice, and yowled loudly with the Clan "Hollypaw! Stormpaw! Jaypaw!".
Rainkit tackled Ravenkit, in excitement. And mewed on top of her "I can't wait to be apprentice! I'll be the best one ever!".
"Excitable, aren't you?" Flamekit said as he pushed Rainkit off Ravenkit. "Sorry, she's super energetic when she gets excited." Flamekit told Ravenkit.
Lilypool scolded Rainkit gently "You know you shouldn't tackle!".
Rainkit looked down at her paws "Sorry, Mama," she turned to Ravenkit "Sorry."
Silverstream looked straight into his eyes before quietly speaking. "Snowstripe was my mother." She looked down at the ground kneading her paws into the soft earth, upset by her and Blizzardkits loss. It suddenly dawned on her that Blizzardkit was her brother and she purred, giving him a rough affectionate lick on the face.

Blizzardkit purrs before pressing his face gently into Silverstream's neck, relieved to know he still had family and he didn't have to be alone

"Shhh." Sunstar said, suddenly, her ears perked up. A group of turkeys suddenly flew low and landed right in front of them. Sunstar jumped, then got a hold of herself and pounced on one.

Wildpaw quickly jumps in to help Sunstar bring the one she leaped on down
Leopardmoon walked in to Thornclan camp and headed straight for the leaders den to hopefully talk to Oakstar, she had just came back from a border skirmish on a border patrol and her cheek and shoulder were bleeding lightly but it was just small scratches


Waspfang follows behind Leopardmoon with only a few bite marks on his front legs and a rabbit in his jaws


Shadetalon stumbles slightly into Dawnclan camp, he had just been in a fight with two Thornclan cats and wanted to talk to Swanstar as soon as possible even though he should be seeing the medicine cat because he had many wounds though luckily they didn't seem to big

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