*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Firefrost nuzzled him,"Stay here ill be right back."She dashed to camp,"Swiftfur, Honeyfur, with me now girls,"she ordered and darted off back to Leaftalon,"Swiftfur, Honeyfur, I saw her go that way-"she pointed with her tail,"But she might have gone another way, so go that way-"she pointed to another direction."And Leaftalon.....Well, Leaftalon your coming with me,"she meowed.


Honeyfur and Swiftfur darted off,"I hope she's not gone for ever!"the thin furred light gray SheCat wailed.Honeyfur rested her tail on her back,"She'll come back,"she murmured.


Nettlewater sighed,"Crowflight you have to calm down,"She crouched down to his height,"Crowflight, you might be getting worked up about something that won't even happen,I know she'll come back, it might not be tonight or tomarrow, but she'll come back.Amberpool is a strong cat, she knows how to survive in the wild alone,"she murmured,"I saw Leaftalon, Firefrist, Honeyfur and Swiftfur go looking for her."
"Okay." Leaftalon nodded.

Amberpool got up and started running again. She closed her eyes in delight of the freedom. When she opened her eyes she saw an enormous tree in front of her. "On no!" she screeched and tried to stop but she was going to fast, she bumped hard in the tree and immediately blacked out.

Smokesong peeked her head out of the nursery because she could hear cats yowling. Unaware that her mother had run away she looked back in at Feathercloud. "Who was that?" she asked.

"Who cares?" Crowflight mewed. "I know she's gone. She thought I never loved her but I did! I did love her!" he said with his voice getting louder.

(Can they not find her, though?)
Firefrost nuzzled him,"Stay here ill be right back."She dashed to camp,"Swiftfur, Honeyfur, with me now girls,"she ordered and darted off back to Leaftalon,"Swiftfur, Honeyfur, I saw her go that way-"she pointed with her tail,"But she might have gone another way, so go that way-"she pointed to another direction."And Leaftalon.....Well, Leaftalon your coming with me,"she meowed.


Honeyfur and Swiftfur darted off,"I hope she's not gone for ever!"the thin furred light gray SheCat wailed.Honeyfur rested her tail on her back,"She'll come back,"she murmured.


Nettlewater sighed,"Crowflight you have to calm down,"She crouched down to his height,"Crowflight, you might be getting worked up about something that won't even happen,I know she'll come back, it might not be tonight or tomarrow, but she'll come back.Amberpool is a strong cat, she knows how to survive in the wild alone,"she murmured,"I saw Leaftalon, Firefrist, Honeyfur and Swiftfur go looking for her."

"Okay." Leaftalon nodded.

Amberpool got up and started running again. She closed her eyes in delight of the freedom. When she opened her eyes she saw an enormous tree in front of her. "On no!" she screeched and tried to stop but she was going to fast, she bumped hard in the tree and immediately blacked out.

Smokesong peeked her head out of the nursery because she could hear cats yowling. Unaware that her mother had run away she looked back in at Feathercloud. "Who was that?" she asked.

"Who cares?" Crowflight mewed. "I know she's gone. She thought I never loved her but I did! I did love her!" he said with his voice getting louder.

(Can they not find her, though?)

Firefrost searched for scent, struggling, hoping and praying to StarClan she was alright.


Nettlewater calmly licked his ear comfortingly,"I know you did, and you still do!!Crowflight, Amberpool will come back, she loves you to much to not come back,"she mrrowed.
Firefrost searched for scent, struggling, hoping and praying to StarClan she was alright.


Nettlewater calmly licked his ear comfortingly,"I know you did, and you still do!!Crowflight, Amberpool will come back, she loves you to much to not come back,"she mrrowed.

Crowflight pushed his way up to his feet so he was taller them Nettlewater again. "I'm going to my den." he hissed.
I'm sorry Sokya, I'm currently not accepting any new members
but there are servel other RPs, even one or two warriors cats ones.
Oh, well that's okay then.
I guess I can go roleplay on some of the official sites like Bryniel and the temporary home for Warrior Cats Play.
Would you be kind enough to send me a private message when this group is open for joining?
I'm happy to make an application with a full and well done Bio if you like, I made one a little while ago actually.
To finish this off, I'll end with a post starter using Speckle so you can see if my skills are good enough to join one day.

In all the chaos, there was room for a small, mostly black kitten to creep into the camp.
This kitten was known as Speckle, or in a less formal way, that was her name. The
small kit was astonished when she saw the camp. Her large emerald green optics
took in the whole camp with awe. She wasn't sure what the camp was really, but she
did know that it was a home of some sort.

If this is a home, maybe they can give me a place to stay! Speckle thought, if these cats
were kind enough to her. If these cats were kind, she could stop running from everything.
Maybe, just maybe I can stay in one place fore more than a moon. Speckle's heart ached
to actually have some real relationships, but she was always on the move. Ever since a
small group of rogues had killed her mother, she had been running from them. Speckle
didn't even know if they were still around, she just know she had to keep moving.

The small feline crept forwards slowly, she carefully planned each pawstep. One wrong
move and there was the chance of her being thrown out. She needed to see someone
friendly, someone she could possibly trust. If she found the right person, they would
surely be nice to a weak and frail feline such as herself. In fact, as much as she denied
it, one could see the ribcage of the kit. Being brutally honest, she had to say that she
didn't know how to hunt. Her father had abandoned her mother, and her mother had died
when she was small. So Speckle needed this badly, otherwise any one of her next few
days could be her last.
I'm sorry Sokya, I'm currently not accepting any new members
but there are servel other RPs, even one or two warriors cats ones.

I think we could accept her though. Because she's a rouge she really has no idea what's going on in the Clan. It's not like she's making a warrior and she should know everything that's going on.

No hard feelings!
I'm sorry Sokya, I'm currently not accepting any new members :/ but there are servel other RPs, even one or two warriors cats ones.

Oh, well that's okay then.
I guess I can go roleplay on some of the official sites like Bryniel and the temporary home for Warrior Cats Play.
Would you be kind enough to send me a private message when this group is open for joining?
I'm happy to make an application with a full and well done Bio if you like, I made one a little while ago actually.
To finish this off, I'll end with a post starter using Speckle so you can see if my skills are good enough to join one day.

In all the chaos, there was room for a small, mostly black kitten to creep into the camp.
This kitten was known as Speckle, or in a less formal way, that was her name. The 
small kit was astonished when she saw the camp. Her large emerald green optics
took in the whole camp with awe. She wasn't sure what the camp was really, but she
did know that it was a home of some sort.

If this is a home, maybe they can give me a place to stay! Speckle thought, if these cats
were kind enough to her. If these cats were kind, she could stop running from everything.
Maybe, just maybe I can stay in one place fore more than a moon. Speckle's heart ached
to actually have some real relationships, but she was always on the move. Ever since a
small group of rogues had killed her mother, she had been running from them. Speckle
didn't even know if they were still around, she just know she had to keep moving.

The small feline crept forwards slowly, she carefully planned each pawstep. One wrong
move and there was the chance of her being thrown out. She needed to see someone
friendly, someone she could possibly trust. If she found the right person, they would
surely be nice to a weak and frail feline such as herself. In fact, as much as she denied
it, one could see the ribcage of the kit. Being brutally honest, she had to say that she
didn't know how to hunt. Her father had abandoned her mother, and her mother had died
when she was small. So Speckle needed this badly, otherwise any one of her next few
days could be her last.

Maybe I should really be giving a sample of my OC each time I join a new RP....
What a great idea- I've never done it!!! :clap
I'm sorry Sokya, I'm currently not accepting any new members :/ but there are servel other RPs, even one or two warriors cats ones.

Oh, well that's okay then.
I guess I can go roleplay on some of the official sites like Bryniel and the temporary home for Warrior Cats Play.
Would you be kind enough to send me a private message when this group is open for joining?
I'm happy to make an application with a full and well done Bio if you like, I made one a little while ago actually.
To finish this off, I'll end with a post starter using Speckle so you can see if my skills are good enough to join one day.

In all the chaos, there was room for a small, mostly black kitten to creep into the camp.
This kitten was known as Speckle, or in a less formal way, that was her name. The 
small kit was astonished when she saw the camp. Her large emerald green optics
took in the whole camp with awe. She wasn't sure what the camp was really, but she
did know that it was a home of some sort.

If this is a home, maybe they can give me a place to stay! Speckle thought, if these cats
were kind enough to her. If these cats were kind, she could stop running from everything.
Maybe, just maybe I can stay in one place fore more than a moon. Speckle's heart ached
to actually have some real relationships, but she was always on the move. Ever since a
small group of rogues had killed her mother, she had been running from them. Speckle
didn't even know if they were still around, she just know she had to keep moving.

The small feline crept forwards slowly, she carefully planned each pawstep. One wrong
move and there was the chance of her being thrown out. She needed to see someone
friendly, someone she could possibly trust. If she found the right person, they would
surely be nice to a weak and frail feline such as herself. In fact, as much as she denied
it, one could see the ribcage of the kit. Being brutally honest, she had to say that she
didn't know how to hunt. Her father had abandoned her mother, and her mother had died
when she was small. So Speckle needed this badly, otherwise any one of her next few
days could be her last.

OK, you may join with her BIO and all.As long as she is rouge.

Firefrost searched for scent, struggling, hoping and praying to StarClan she was alright.


Nettlewater calmly licked his ear comfortingly,"I know you did, and you still do!!Crowflight, Amberpool will come back, she loves you to much to not come back,"she mrrowed.

Crowflight pushed his way up to his feet so he was taller them Nettlewater again. "I'm going to my den." he hissed. 

"Crowflight!"Nettlewater called after him.She turned around and stalked doff to her nest.

Maybe I should really be giving a sample of my OC each time I join a new RP....
What a great idea- I've never done it!!!

OK, you may join with her BIO and all.As long as she is rouge.

"Crowflight!"Nettlewater called after him.She turned around and stalked doff to her nest.

Crowflight stumbled half-blindly to the warriors den. "Crowflight?" Snowclaw mewed as he trotted over to his father. "Your mother....."


"Yes... She..... ran...... away......"
(Prez, did you say once that Amberpool might meet a loner and have kits with him? If you want, I could make a loner....)

Sweetpaw hissed to Nettlwater, "This wouldn't of happened if you had given him a smaller poppy seed." she nodded to Flameclaw and raced off out of camp to get the catmint.
Rainspark looked at the sky, "It's getting too dark. Let's head back to camp." she meowed, to Rowanfur, Flamefang, Beepaw, Briarpaw and Badgerpaw. (LOL, their names all start with B)
Feathercloud got up.
Leopardspot was still sleeping.

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