*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Rainspark hissed threateningly, "You are the ones who should be afraid. You know very well that you're awfully far into DawnClan territory, and did you think we'd be welcoming?" the cat was small, but she wasn't afraid to use her claws.

(I always forget to play Sparktail. Can she be there too?)
Maplestar let out a snort,"We're not afraid."She growled.She stalked past Swiftfur, who let out a threating hiss.The calico lashed her tail at Rainspark,"Back off.We own this territory now,"She snarled.


Ravenstar burst out of the bushes, her hackles raised,"No"She growled"you don't,"She unsheathed her claws,"This territory has been DawnClan and always will, Back off, now.Or we attack,"
Maplestar let out a snort,"We're not afraid."She growled.She stalked past Swiftfur, who let out a threating hiss.The calico lashed her tail at Rainspark,"Back off.We own this territory now,"She snarled.


Ravenstar burst out of the bushes, her hackles raised,"No"She growled"you don't,"She unsheathed her claws,"This territory has been DawnClan and always will, Back off, now.Or we attack,"
Rainspark loosened her stance and did anything but back off. She looked at Maplestar like she was crazy, "You couldn't claim this territory, even if we wanted you to have it. Because it's right in the middle of DawnClan's territory! Unless you wanted to get attacked every time you came to it. Or maybe you expected to drive DawnClan out with only three cats." she laughed.
Sparktail hid in the bushes, making sure to be very still. Her scent was masked by the other three, so she could hide until they needed help.
Rainspark loosened her stance and did anything but back off. She looked at Maplestar like she was crazy, "You couldn't claim this territory, even if we wanted you to have it. Because it's right in the middle of DawnClan's territory! Unless you wanted to get attacked every time you came to it. Or maybe you expected to drive DawnClan out with only three cats." she laughed.
Sparktail hid in the bushes, making sure to be very still. Her scent was masked by the other three, so she could hide until they needed help.
Maplestar lashed out a white paw, quick as lightning and slashed at Rainsparks face,"We are taking this territory!It is ours!"
Ashblaze finished doing his work and stepped back to admire his new daughters. "The red ones name is Bloodkit and the light red ones name is Roadkillkit."

(Father of the year *slow clap

"Um... Yeah... No. We don't belong to BloodClan." Sunsplash referenced something that they should have no idea about, now questioning whether the kits should interact with their father. "I was thinking Cherrykit for the dark red one and Applekit for the light red one, but you can change that if you'd like." then she added, "And not to Roadkillkit."

"I suppose those names are fine." Ashblaze meowed reluctantly. "But mine were better." he added firmly.
As the fight waged out side the camp otter stayed very close to hollyshadow "What's going on mama?" She asked still listening to the howls that came from outside the camp
Hollyshadow closed her eyes,"Oh no,"She meowed quietly.She looked at Otter, and grabbed the kit gently by the scruff, and padded over to Moringpaw, who was staggering out of the den, yawning."Take her, Dont let her out of your sight or your dead."Hollyshadow ordered.She looked at Otter,"I swear I will be right back, Otter."She then, turned ail a d bound doff.


Morningpaw let out a loud yawn, and looked at the kit,"Who are you?Where did you come from?"The light golden tabby quiered.

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