*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Thunderstrike pulled Longstripe back, "Fighting will only get you in trouble." he growled. His eyes were furious slits as he glared at Fernheart, but he turned his head to his friend, "Let's just go. The old Fernheart is dead and I refuse to acknowledge the new one." he hissed, and whipped back around to stand by Morningflame.

"Where do you think, mousebrain?" Lilypaw meowed playfully, "We're following them to find Meadowpaw."
"What is this?"Ravenstar's snarl came from the top of the Highrock, her green eyes narrowed, her black tail lashing.


Longstripe struggled against Thunderstrike grasp, ignoring both him and Ravenstar. He snarled at his mother, pulling away from Thunderstrike. He sank his teeth into his mother's leg, yanking her backwards. The SheCat let out a yowl of pain, lashing claws down Longstripe's side. She scrambled to her paws, and kicked Longstripe in the chest. He landed with a thud in front of the Highrock, blood dripping from his side.


"Fernheart and Longstripe!"Ravenstar snapped. She glared at the cats."What is the meaning of this?"She hissed.


Morningflame whimpered as Longstripe hit the ground, but she Didnt dare move. She straightened herself."Fernheart was insulting me, and refused to let Longstripe be with us. And Fernheart attacked Longstripe."She meowed. Ok, maybe she lied, a little lie. She just twisted the story, no harm in that....
Rainpaw's tail fluffed out excitedly."To where?"She meowed.

Thunderstrike pulled Longstripe back, "Fighting will only get you in trouble." he growled. His eyes were furious slits as he glared at Fernheart, but he turned his head to his friend, "Let's just go. The old Fernheart is dead and I refuse to acknowledge the new one." he hissed, and whipped back around to stand by Morningflame.

"Where do you think, mousebrain?" Lilypaw meowed playfully, "We're following them to find Meadowpaw."

"What is this?"Ravenstar's snarl came from the top of the Highrock, her green eyes narrowed, her black tail lashing.


Longstripe struggled against Thunderstrike grasp, ignoring both him and Ravenstar. He snarled at his mother, pulling away from Thunderstrike. He sank his teeth into his mother's leg, yanking her backwards. The SheCat let out a yowl of pain, lashing claws down Longstripe's side. She scrambled to her paws, and kicked Longstripe in the chest. He landed with a thud in front of the Highrock, blood dripping from his side.


"Fernheart and Longstripe!"Ravenstar snapped. She glared at the cats."What is the meaning of this?"She hissed.


Morningflame whimpered as Longstripe hit the ground, but she Didnt dare move. She straightened herself."Fernheart was insulting me, and refused to let Longstripe be with us. And Fernheart attacked Longstripe."She meowed. Ok, maybe she lied, a little lie. She just twisted the story, no harm in that....
"Yeah, we're going-" Frostypaw was cut off by Fernheart's yowl. "What are they doing?" He muttered, confused. Wasn't that Longstripe's mother?
Hollyshadow followed a trail of a rabbit through the woods. The air was cold, thick, heavy with fog. She trotted through the thick fog, not sure where she was going. Blinded by darkness, she followed at path of tree's, she paused, a flash of black shooting past her. Dismissing it, she followed a path towards the lake. She looked up, her breath catching in her throat. A star flew across the sky, blinding her for a heartbeat. A screech of a fox echoed throughout the forest, sending shivers down the long haired shecats spine. She shook her black pelt, breathing in the scents of the night. Her pelt tingled as a owl flew past her. She stood, and kept going, the thick mane of fur around her neck just barely keeping her warm. She stepped in something, something warm and sticky, thick and weird feeling. It seeped into her paw. Panic shot through her. Blood! She reeled back, gasping in shock. The moonlight glowered, and a pair of lifeless eyes looked back at Hollyshadow. Doefeather, one of the rouge cats that had come to DawnClan. The thick pelted black she cat let out a whimper. Torn. What hade killed the innocent SheCat? Hollyshadow's paws felt the wounds to the cats neck. Not a fox, nor a badger, or owl. A cat. Deep bites into the soft tan fur, blood drenching it, staining it. But it was a skilled bite, not a cat fighting for its life, a cat that had purposely killed her. No struggle, no fur between Doefeather's claws. Panicked, Hollyshadow fled into the woods, her body alive with fear. She slammed into something hard, and stumbled back, fiery pain shooting through her muzzle. She opened her eyes, finding herself cornered in what looked like a twoleg walls."Hello, Hollyshadow." A low, snarling, yet also....somehow calming hiss came from behind Hollyshadow. The SheCat whipped around, facing the voice. A cat, almost see through, not living nor dead, faced her. It let out a cackling screech, it's green eyes glittering wildly, it's thick white pelt glowing in the moonlight. It lunged at Hollyshadow, slamming her hard and fast into the wall, before dissapering into mist. Pain flooded Hollyshadow, and she fell to the ground with a thud, her eyes flickering shut.
(Making more...)

Name: Lilypool
Age: 23 moons
Gender: She-Cat
Personality: Very kind and caring, fiercely protective of her Clan and family.
Clan: DawnClan
Description: Her eyes are green as lily pads hence her name, she is pure white except for her tail which is speckled with black and silver.
History: Her mate died right after the kits were born, he died bravely in battle.
Mate: He is dead
Kits: Two kits.
Rank: Queen
Username: Vachick15


Name: Rainkit
Age: 2 moons
Gender: She-kit
Personality: Clever, kind and playful.
Clan: DawnClan
Description: Looks just like her mother.
History: Too young to really have a history lol.
Mate: None
Kits: None
Rank: Kit
Username: Vachick15


Name: Flamekit
Age: 2 moons
Gender: Tom
Personality: Protective of his sister, although she doesn't like it, and playful
Clan: DawnClan
Description: Dark tabby fur and an all black tail and he has ice blue eyes.
History: None
Mate: None
Kits: None
Rank: Kit
Username: Vachick15
"What is this?"Ravenstar's snarl came from the top of the Highrock, her green eyes narrowed, her black tail lashing.


Longstripe struggled against Thunderstrike grasp, ignoring both him and Ravenstar. He snarled at his mother, pulling away from Thunderstrike. He sank his teeth into his mother's leg, yanking her backwards. The SheCat let out a yowl of pain, lashing claws down Longstripe's side. She scrambled to her paws, and kicked Longstripe in the chest. He landed with a thud in front of the Highrock, blood dripping from his side.


"Fernheart and Longstripe!"Ravenstar snapped. She glared at the cats."What is the meaning of this?"She hissed.


Morningflame whimpered as Longstripe hit the ground, but she Didnt dare move. She straightened herself."Fernheart was insulting me, and refused to let Longstripe be with us. And Fernheart attacked Longstripe."She meowed. Ok, maybe she lied, a little lie. She just twisted the story, no harm in that....
Thunderstrike glanced at Morningflame, "You can't lie to the leader!" he hissed, almost inaudibly.
"Yeah, we're going-" Frostypaw was cut off by Fernheart's yowl. "What are they doing?" He muttered, confused. Wasn't that Longstripe's mother?
"Why is there always so much drama here?" Lilypaw sighed exasperatedly.
Rainpaw looked at the black SheCat."Hey, Morningflame is lying! Fernheart didn't attacked Longstripe, Longstripe attacked her!"She hissed to Frostypaw.
"Gee, we hadn't noticed." Lilypaw said, rolling her eyes, "Are you going to go tell Ravenstar and get another cat in trouble?" she said sarcastically.
Thunderstrike glanced at Morningflame, "You can't lie to the leader!" he hissed, almost inaudibly.

"Why is there always so much drama here?" Lilypaw sighed exasperatedly.

"Gee, we hadn't noticed." Lilypaw said, rolling her eyes, "Are you going to go tell Ravenstar and get another cat in trouble?" she said sarcastically.
Morningflame slapped her brothers leg with her tail. She glared at him, a icy cold glare. She looked back at Ravenstar."We are very sorry, Ravenstar. We never meant to start anything."


Ravenstar stared at the siblings in a icy silence."I expected more from you, Fernheart. Is that how I raised you? To attack your own kit?"


Fernheart snarled."He attacked me first! She's lying!"


"SILENCE!"Ravenstar snarled."Morningflame is loyal and a trustworthy warrior, I believe your the one lying, Fernheart. Unless, Thunderstrike has something else to say?"
Morningflame slapped her brothers leg with her tail. She glared at him, a icy cold glare. She looked back at Ravenstar."We are very sorry, Ravenstar. We never meant to start anything."


Ravenstar stared at the siblings in a icy silence."I expected more from you, Fernheart. Is that how I raised you? To attack your own kit?"


Fernheart snarled."He attacked me first! She's lying!"


"SILENCE!"Ravenstar snarled."Morningflame is loyal and a trustworthy warrior, I believe your the one lying, Fernheart. Unless, Thunderstrike has something else to say?"
In any other circumstance, Thunderstrike would have told the truth, but right now he was too angry with Fernheart to defend her, "I have nothing to say."

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