Screw it. I’m just gonna cement block the whole frickin thing and cover it in electrical fence with automated machine guns on motion detectors. Just two little holes to slide food and a water hose in
Welcome. That's the way I feel everyday. I am happy you said it.
You can do this! It's not your fault the previous owners left you and the chickens in such a bind. Take a step at a time. Hardware cloth is your friend. Handle the chickens at night. In the dark they're much easier to manage. We're here to help. :hugs
I agree with @BigBlueHen53, you have this....you have the will, the good intent and the sense of humor to pull through this...and now, you have us...we will help you.

Welcome, what a rollercoaster you got into with your chicken-gift :eek: .

Did you manage to lure and catch the escaped chickens?
If you have any oatmeal, musli or canned beans you can give that besides the corn until you have time to buy the chicken feed. All flock with oyster shell on the side is probably best.
So my daughter came over and helped me catch the two outliers. She locked me in the pen and we opened the hole where the first one, princess penelope, escaped when I was flying solo. Then I had her position the fish net right over the hole. We did it at night so the black nylon net was virtually invisible. I chased her around the old coop till she darted out the hole again, right into the net. Easy transfer. That left Plucky on top of the coop. I stood under her and cut the chicken wire till she fell in. Rinse and repeat.

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