Hello chicken people :) I'm a newbie and just found you guys!

Hi there! Welcome to BYC!!! Where are you moving from? Are in living in Georgia now or are you moving from a different state to Georgia?
HOWDY from TX!

Hi Southern28Chick
We currently live in the northern suburbs of Atlanta. I grew up in nearly downtown Atlanta and it has changed so much.
Our neighborhood had horses and donkeys and all kinds of animals when I was growing up, but now it's so citified that you can't do that anymore. We currently live in a neighborhood that frowned when we wanted to paint the trim our our house a light grey instead of white! And everyone sprays their yards with chemicals so there are no bugs and rarely a butterfly to be seen. I miss the bugs! Sigh...

Anyway, our 10 acres is about an hour north of us - and smack in the country butted up next to national forest. We just can't wait to get there. It's going to feel like going home, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for all the comments everyone else.
I'll post a pic of the huge coop as soon as I get a good picture so you can see what I'm talking about. In the meantime here is a picture of my hubby and part of our land...


Anyway, our 10 acres is about an hour north of us - and smack in the country butted up next to national forest. We just can't wait to get there. It's going to feel like going home, if you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean. My DH (that means dear husband on this forum) and me are going to buy at least 20 acres in a couple of years and it's going to be at least a hour from where we are now. Over development of southern towns really sucks!! But what can we do other then pack up and move farther out in the country.

Edited to add: Love the picture, beautiful piece of property!!!​
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Welcome Avrilon,

How tall are the Georgia Mountains? Is it still humid up there or more temperate? I always assumed Georgia was like Florida, waiting to disappear with global warming....


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