Hello everyone!

:welcome :frow My husband and I are kind of in the same boat. I grew up in farm country and he grew up in a small town. For many years we worked and eventually bought a farm. I had my first flock around 50 years ago, but then moved due to work where for several years I wasn't able to have birds. Around 20 years ago we bought our farm. Now he is a real farmer. We pretty much grow most of our produce and have a lot of chickens. I did get in to heritage breeds and do show my birds at poultry shows. I do have males and every year hatch out chicks. Good luck with your endeavor and have fun...
Welcome! Welcome! sorry I did not welcome you sooner! :barnie
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Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

The reference you made to Green Acres made me laugh. :lol: When we moved out here in the middle of nowhere 25 years ago, there were no land lines out this way and cell service was still quite limited. Cell was the only way to go and we had a similar set up with the phone as did Oliver and Lisa on Green Acres. :gig You gave me a laugh this morning. :)

Welcome to our roost!
Thank you! I was afraid I was just showing my age :)

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