
May 5, 2021
I'm from Nebraska, lived here my whole life. I'm a farmer, I do corn and beans. Used to have pigs and cattle, thankfully not anymore.

My first chickens were roosters my parents rescued from an egg farm, there were around two-hundred. I was pretty young and don't remember too much about them.
I've now had my own chickens for about ten years, still have one original hen from the first group.

Right now I've got around twenty-five, I haven't counted in a while.

I've got some splash orphintons, a Lavender splash rooster, a blue orphington, two Super Blues, an Ancona, a mix rooster, and the rest are all barnyard mix bantams.

I like to fish, hunt, hike, camp, and occasionally do art like drawing and painting.

I mostly work on the farm with my dad, but I'm also a librarian. I used to be a farm veterinarian's assistant. I have goats, horses, cats, dogs, fish, bearded dragons, and a mean turtle.

I have used this website off and on since owning chickens, I decided to join and see what knowledge I can learn and share with others.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens.. Had no idea owls had fuzzy feet - do they really??
Thank you! Yes, they do :D I rescued a Great Horned Owl a few years ago trapped in a sticky patch of weeds and when I took it to the raptor-rescue they let me pet it's feet, they were surprisingly soft! It's always stuck with me, hence the username haha!

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