Hello from Queensland Australia!


In the Brooder
May 8, 2018
Hello there everyone! My name is Jack, and I am from Queensland in Australia. I have 5 chickens (1 Barred Rock, 3 Australorps, and 1 Barnevelder). In Queensland were are less concerned about foxes and more concerned about pythons, so I’m right now in the process of designing a new coop that is more secure against snakes and that can be positioned so that my chickens can have access to more land to forage upon. I have just over an acre and most of that is rainforest, yet they do not have access to it very often so that will be a priority. I will be posting more threads as the project continues, see you all soon,

Hello there everyone! My name is Jack, and I am from Queensland in Australia. I have 5 chickens (1 Barred Rock, 3 Australorps, and 1 Barnevelder). In Queensland were are less concerned about foxes and more concerned about pythons, so I’m right now in the process of designing a new coop that is more secure against snakes and that can be positioned so that my chickens can have access to more land to forage upon. I have just over an acre and most of that is rainforest, yet they do not have access to it very often so that will be a priority. I will be posting more threads as the project continues, see you all soon,

Welcome Jack...from one greenhand to another:frow. I just joined myself. I look forward to seeing your progress on a snake proof coop. Your story makes me appreciate the mild varmints I contend with! :thPythons! Good granny grunt! Jenn:)
Hello there everyone! My name is Jack, and I am from Queensland in Australia. I have 5 chickens (1 Barred Rock, 3 Australorps, and 1 Barnevelder). In Queensland were are less concerned about foxes and more concerned about pythons, so I’m right now in the process of designing a new coop that is more secure against snakes and that can be positioned so that my chickens can have access to more land to forage upon. I have just over an acre and most of that is rainforest, yet they do not have access to it very often so that will be a priority. I will be posting more threads as the project continues, see you all soon,


Welcome to Backyard Chickens a hole new spin on the meaning of predators I cannot even imagine good luck
G'Day from FNQ Jack :frow Welcome!

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