Hello from South Carolina!

I just looked at the temperatures for tomorrow (over 100 degrees).
At least we had some good cooling temps after the storm came through yesterday evening.
I knew it was way too hot because I had never seen my chicks act so stressed from the heat.

I had a fan on them, cool packs all over the coop floor and ice in their water but they looked close to death. I finally got them out of the coop around 6 pm and thankfully it clouded up and winds cooled it off.
This morning everyone is happy but it is supposed to be another scorcher. So far it is cloudy so maybe it won't be as bad as yesterday.
Silly chickens won't go up under the shade trees to stay cool, they like being in the coops.
Hey guys. I've been back in my hometown in Japan for the summer. But couldn't stay away from this forum

It's just as hot and humid as in SC here, but no flies!! It's so nice we don't have to think about flies getting on your food while you are eating

Anyways, I just wanted to say hey. I'll be talking more after I get back.

Country Guy John
I live in N. Chas! We will be moving closer to Summerville soon.
I am from Long Creek, SC. I have posted to this thread before but it has been a while and there are LOTS of new posts here!!! Just in case you don't know, Long Creek is near Clayton, GA. I live about 15 minutes from the SC-GA State line.

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