Hello from VA


7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
Brand new to raising chickens. We have six Ameraucauna (or at least we hope that's what they are). That's what Tractor Supply billed them as. Temps are warm this week, so we've just put them outside in the coop tonight for the first time. They're four weeks old.
Hello and :welcome
Four weeks is a good age for the chicks to go outside. Will you free range them?
If you need any help identifying the breed, you can post a thread in What breed or gender is this?.
Good luck with your chicks, and enjoy the site! :D
from Ohio!

Don't be surprised or disappointed to learn that your "Ameraucanas" are actually Easter Eggers. They come in multi feather colors and the hens lay a beautiful range of green, aqua, light brown and pink eggs and are real sweeties. They are my favorites. (don't tell the others)

We started with 7 "Ameraucanas" from a hatchery last year and hatched 11 eggs the first of April, have 7 more eggs due this week, and a dozen ready to go in the incubator next Sunday.
Thanks! Everything I've read makes it sound pretty tricky to tell the difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucaunas. I think we'll just have to wait until they're a bit older to know anything definitive. Our evening temps are going to be upper fifties over the next few days and then down into the forties later in the week. Should we try to run an extension cord out to the coop and keep the heat lamp going, or will the four week olds be okay without it?
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Ameraucanas are pure bred to type and color. Hatcheries seldom (pretty close to never) have birds that qualify for that standard. However EE's can often be very good layers, and pretty and interesting birds. Unless you are planning to show or breed, it is not very important that they are purebreds.

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