Hello from Washington State


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
Western WA
After a year of reading through BYC, I finally joined. Wow - it's so much easier to subscribe to threads than to have a folder of bookmarks in my browser
. I currently have Barred Rock, Marans, Wellsummer, Easter Egger, Bresse, Cream Legbar, Swedish Flower Hen, Rodebar, Isbar, and Barthuhner. And my incubator has Colloncas, Black Quechua Olmecs, and Haustecs that are due to hatch in two more weeks (I'm so excited!).

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, you do sound Egg-cited! Good luck with the hatch! And you do have a nice group of chickens. Your egg basket must be so colorful!! Feel free to post pics of the new babies.

If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock and enjoy yours!!
Hello :frow And Welcome To BYC! You have a really interesting diverse flock, and what a Beautiful egg basket! Good luck with your upcoming hatch!

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