Hello There!

that would not be good if Rocky did not know if he should stay away from a pheasant or flush it! Gus would not be happy at all
did you talk to Rod about building those nest boxes on the outside yet? half day tomorrow, and won't be back here after that until Tuesday. yeah. still no eggs by the way, although one of the chickens have decided that the nest boxes make for good sleeping areas.
Yay for you 1/2 day of work!! Lucky. We moved a roost in the coop up higher so birds can look out the window and have more room to roost now that they are a little bit bigger and relocated the nest box...but it's still on the inside for the coop! Rod is one stubborn
individual, sometimes it takes awhile to open his mind up to other possibilities! Have a great weekend. I'd love to see your retired thoroughbred if you're able to download some photos.
Morning Janine, hope you had a good weekend! still no eggs.....keep thinking anyday now, let the chickens out for the first time, they had a good time eating all that grass. of course Rocky was inside barking his head off. i have uploaded new photos, also of "Lady".

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