Help! 6 day old chick all of a sudden sick

Do you have a heat lamp you can put on her instead? I'd worry about her getting too hot on top of the pad and being unable to get off.
It's not that warm. Ambient air in the box is at 80. She's on a microfiber diaper insert on top of a facecloth with heating pad under. It's just warm to the touch. I don't have a heat lamp. My other chicks are under a brooder plate.
I don't know if this is good or bad advice for your chick's condition, but when one of mine was severely constipated, someone told me to fill a bowl with an epsom salt bath just deep enough to reach the chick's stomach/butt and soak for a couple minutes. Then use hairdryer to keep chick from getting cold. The epsom salts make the chick expel waste. Within a minute of taking her out of the bath she made a GIANT poo on my leg.
Not sure if your chick can handle getting wet though...
Good suggestion from @Ais . Yeah, this chick can't handle get soaked. But the Epsom salts would do some good if give orally. The proportions are half a teaspoon of the magnesium sulfate dissolve in a half cup warm water.

This has the advantage of flushing everything from the crop to the vent if you can syringe a decent amount into the chick.

This chick is suffering from constipation, I believe. At this point, it will die if the blockage isn't cleared soon. Here is a diagram of the proper way to syringe liquids into the crop.

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