Help a chick has a hurt leg!

Feel it and see if there is a break somewhere, also look at the bottom of the foot for any injury. If there is a break you can always splint it for healing. Also, separate it from the other birds to prevent pecking. Some do it right away whereas some wait until there is a problem before they separate.
Feel it and see if there is a break somewhere, also look at the bottom of the foot for any injury. If there is a break you can always splint it for healing. Also, separate it from the other birds to prevent pecking. Some do it right away whereas some wait until there is a problem before they separate.

How would I tell if there was a break?
This might have developed when the chick was growing in the egg. If there is a break it is sometimes deformed so I there is a vet that you can take it, or if you can't try going tractor supplies some kind of feed store that would know, ask them they be able to help.
Feel the good leg, then feel the bad. Look for any movement that the good leg doesn't have. Note the differences between the two. How high is the roost? They can sprain or even break legs from jumping off of any roost over 3' as well as not having soft bedding under it. Did you check the bottom of the foot?
This might have developed when the chick was growing in the egg. If there is a break it is sometimes deformed so I there is a vet that you can take it, or if you can't try going tractor supplies some kind of feed store that would know, ask them they be able to help.
He wasn't like this until yesterday, they think he fell down a hill that their chicken house is on top of. I will ask my boyfriend if I can take him to the vet, he might not let me though, his dad is kind of protective.

Feel the good leg, then feel the bad. Look for any movement that the good leg doesn't have. Note the differences between the two. How high is the roost? They can sprain or even break legs from jumping off of any roost over 3' as well as not having soft bedding under it. Did you check the bottom of the foot?

I can't he is at my friends house, when I can I will try.
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I would. The more you immobilize it the better chance for a proper heal. Think about when people bust their knee or femur, they immobilize the whole leg to prevent the bone from moving in the healing process.

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