Help a Noob figure out what breeds she has!


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Ok here are my girls...I am assuming they are all girls although I have my doubts about big black. Any help is greatly appreciated.
All of them right here. The only ones I am not so sure about are the all black one (the only one I think might ((small might)) be a roo), the black and silver one, and the brownish and black one.
Big Black as we call her/him. What is she?! Or just a mutt chickie?

Ok this one DH has named (sigh) "Mrs. Butterworth" Gold Laced Wyandotte??

Little Silver aka "Liz Taylor" is maybe a Wyandotte as well??

Any help would be awesome. The woman I got them from got them from Murray as a mixed brown egg assortment so she was zero help.

I figure the 2 reds are hatchery RIRs...But big black, her feathers are so iridescant they are practically green in the light. She is a feisty one too. Fluffs herself up all tough every time I pick her up, she also is top of the pecking order and the first to try a treat out of my hand.
you think Barnvelder??
I was looking at their pics and I was thinking maybe but I wasn't too hopeful because that is what I was secretly hoping for...DH mostly says she looks like a "darn raptor that wants to eat my face" She is kinda scary looking sometimes...
I didn't think Australorps had big combs like that...Interesting and thank you for your thoughts. Liz Taylor is my special girl at the moment, most mellow when I hold and she doesn't shy away much. We've only had them for a week or so, this whole experience is very new still
Hmmm, I think Mrs Butterworth looks like a dark cornish..... I don't think McMurray sells barnevelders.... could be wrong, though.

Pretty birds though.
I was just checking out McMurray's site and they do not in fact have Barnevelders...So going on that logic I am guessing if you say Dark Cornish then she probably is. Although just looking at pics of other adolescent Barnevelders she looks almost exactly like them...

They are all about 9 weeks old at this point.
I was just checking out McMurray's site and they do not in fact have Barnevelders...So going on that logic I am guessing if you say Dark Cornish then she probably is. Although just looking at pics of other adolescent Barnevelders she looks almost exactly like them...

They are all about 9 weeks old at this point.

Oh ok - well my neighbor and I split an order of "rainbow layers" from My Pet Chicken and we ended up with two barnevelders that look just like your Mrs. Butterworth. We thought they were gold-laced wyandottes for the longest time. I guess you could contact McMurray and ask if it's possible you got a barnevelder in your order.
Don't Dark Cornish have a pea comb? Mrs Butterworth appears to have a single comb, which IS more like a barnvelder, although I understand that MM doesn't offer them.

What color are her legs?
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Mrs.Butterworth's legs (I cringe every time I have to say that name, but DH wanted to name her soooo) are yellow...
She really is the spitting image of a young barnevelder....Even if McMurray doesn't carry them I suppose there could have been a mix up...

Big Black the Jersey Giant...She is a giant compared to the rest although I know they grow slowly.

thank you all again for the replies...It is a fun guessing game.

I am cracking up every time someone refers to brown mama as Mrs.Butterworth!

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