brood mother

5 Years
Feb 26, 2014
Brandon, Ms
I have a chick bout 5-6 weeks old that all of a sudden is having major problems breathing. What is causing this? Any suggestions? So worried! I have been giving her some antibiotics in water by medicine dropper. When she opens her beak to breath I can't see anything lodged an she has made a few chicken sounds so worried it's respiratory.
Is she a well-nourished chick, or one that is puny and slower growing? A bad heart can affect breathing. Make sure there are no wet shavings or moldy areas since aspergillosis from mold can cause severe breathing problems. Can you describe the breathing in more detail? Any gasping, rattles, wheezing, sneezing, nasal or eye discharge? They can choke on a larger piece of feed or something they have swallowed that lodges in the airway. Did these chicks come from a farm or a feed store? If they came from a breeder, I would call them. If you need an antibiotic for a respiratory disease, LS 50 (lincomycin/spectinomycin) is good for chicks. If you can't find that oxytetracycline or Duramycin10 are found easily.
If she is eating then I would give her some natural med's called
an egg and it will help boost her inhumane system just boil up
an egg and peal off the shell and mash the egg up real good
and serve twice a day for three days and see what happens ...
Ok, I got some of the oxttetracyxline from my co-op. It's in powder firm and they told me to mix with water and give her so I've been doin that with medicine dropper.

She is a good size bird. Has always eaten very good. Has always seemed healthy. Got from a feed store.

When he goes to breathe she does through her mouth. And she does make some weezing sounds. So I am not sure if the breathing through mouth constitutes gasping. No draining from nasal passages or eyes.

I just gave them all scramble egg yesterday. I will boil an egg and offer her some though. Will see if she eats it.

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