Jan 5, 2023
So I go outside at 4 am to check up in my chickens since it is starting to get colder (low 50’s, mind you I am in Az) but ti go outside and check up in them and my sultan is in a corner backed up against a fence stiff but still alive I rip the wire apart and quickly grab him and run inside, and I think it’s just heat but then I see little worm things crawling so I take him to the bathtub and try to get rid of them with permit him powder there seems to be A BUNCH, I DINT KNOW HOW I HAVENT EVER NOTICED. I GAVE him a wa showe and am trying to warm him up first but I was thinking should I spray some permethrin spray? and I need help please!
These are the little devils these things (what are they?) he is still alive thankfully after some washing and blow drying and breaks, there is still some of those things in him (fewer thankfully) but whenever I pick him up or tap on him he moves, I can’t see him breathing but I know he is alive, whenever I try placing him on his fett he gets trys stabdint a up
Those look like lice.

You need to get PERMTHRIN based poultry dust and spray. Treat him and the rest of the flock with the DUST and their coop with the spray, immediately. To treat the coop, remove all bedding and sweep it out thoroughly and put all the bedding into a sealed plastic garbage bag or burn it if you have a place to do that. Spray the coop down thoroughly with the permethrin paying particular attention to any place wood meets wood then aim a fan into the coop to dry it out then put in fresh bedding.

Treat the birds by trying to get all their skin dusted, avoiding the head.

All this will need to be repeated in 7 days. Possibly again 7 days after that for 3 full treatments if the infestation is bad.

After you treat the rooster with the permethrin poultry dust, I would keep him inside until he is completely dry and warm and eating and drinking. Give him a warm mash of your complete chicken feed with a little scrambled egg, tuna or sardines mixed in for a protein boost. Also give him 1/4 - 1/3 ml Rooster Booster once daily for 3-5 days to help him recover and get him eating well again. It sounds like he's been suffering with these parasites for quite a while if he's boney. It sounds like he is in very poor condition and he may not make it.

Don't get him wet again as he is too weak to handle that and it will tax his body to try to warm back up.

Good luck.
You need to get him dry. Try the lamp. Please DO NOT bathe him again.

Do you have someone to watch over him while he's under the lamp while you get the poultry dust with permethrin? You need to dust him as soon as he is dry. That will kill all the live lice on him and he won't require another bath. Then please treat the rest of the flock and the coop as I outlined above and give him the additional support to help him recover.
When you go to the farm store to get the poultry dust, get the Rooster Booster or whatever poultry vitamin/mineral liquid supplement they sell too so you have that to give him. I would just administer it a drop at a time to the corner of his beak so it wicks in and he can swallow it on his own.
@DobieLover is giving you some great advice. I would do as she advises, she is one of our experts.
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Update: Sadly he passed, I was going to give him a soft boiled egg since he was like moving his mouth around a lot (I was planning on mushing it with the feed), and I came to check on him, his eyes were open, he was on one side still though, as I was excited thinking my favorite rooster (and rarest) was getting better I leave and come back 30 seconds later and I guess he was having his final moments, he took a poop, stretched, yawned, and sadly closed his eyes for the last time. Thank you all for helping me and giving me these tips, I will still use them in the future and definetely clean their coop (sadly can't have them free-range), again thanks!!! :hugs @Ursuline Chick @DobieLover @RadEggs @chicken1234 @theoldchick (Also sorry for the tag)
I have him in a small container with paper towels underneath to hold the water and, some water in the side. I hope things turn out right but you’re are right, thanks for the help :hugs:highfive:
I personally would let him dry off and warm up slowly, he can also rest. I am concerned about hypothermia and not warming him up too quickly, for fear of shock. We had a hen who was attacked by a possum, last year. The possum pulled all the skin off of her right thigh. We used a ton of neosporen and she spent 3 months as a house chicken. If her right thigh feathers didn't look like fluffy butt feathers, you would never know. She runs with the flock like nothing ever happened. Chickens are smart and resilient. :hugs
Update: Sadly he passed, I was going to give him a soft boiled egg since he was like moving his mouth around a lot (I was planning on mushing it with the feed), and I came to check on him, his eyes were open, he was on one side still though, as I was excited thinking my favorite rooster (and rarest) was getting better I leave and come back 30 seconds later and I guess he was having his final moments, he took a poop, stretched, yawned, and sadly closed his eyes for the last time. Thank you all for helping me and giving me these tips, I will still use them in the future and definetely clean their coop (sadly can't have them free-range), again thanks!!! :hugs @Ursuline Chick @DobieLover @RadEggs @chicken1234 @theoldchick (Also sorry for the tag)
Aww, I'm so sorry. From what I can see, you take exelent care of your chickens. This is not your fault. :hugs
I am sorry that he passed away, it never gets easy. Those were lice in the photo you posted you can clearly see that in the pics, you took really good photos showing them. He may have had other parasites as well as they tend to go after the weakest in the bunch and he may have already had a health issue unrelated. It can happen but now that you know he had lice you can easily treat the others and get rid of the little buggers.
I am sorry that he passed away, it never gets easy. Those were lice in the photo you posted you can clearly see that in the pics, you took really good photos showing them. He may have had other parasites as well as they tend to go after the weakest in the bunch and he may have already had a health issue unrelated. It can happen but now that you know he had lice you can easily treat the others and get rid of the little buggers.
Yes he reminded me of prince Aladdin, favorite booger. I buried him, and am 20% into finishing deep cleaning their entire coop, run, etc. I do also think he had other stuff going on as he would sometimes be quiet or sad. At least he isn’t suffering any longer, am now going to be more uptight with what enters and cleaning. Thank you :hugs

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