Help Baby Chick Problem!

Oh honey! He is pretty darn strong to have gone through all that loss. She might have yanked his umbilicus too much and cause hernial pooling. Just be sure that he doesn’t develop an infection from it. Please please watch him closely in the next few days for signs of an infection. You know how other new animal babies can get infections early from umbilical cords not getting clear of the filth from the ground in time. If she yanked his with a dirty beak it could cause the same. She will learn hopefully. God will teach. He looks strong and sounds strong. You can give him a little Kayro syrup also if you have it or corn syrup of any kind like you use in baking. You can also make him a soggy peanut butter mash with his food or boiled egg mash and that will get his blood sugar up quicker and get his protein up quicker and keep his blood s proteins up quick for a good while. Won’t hurt him one bit. It has worked for many an infant baby or fowl or animal. Kayro syrup is wonderful stuff. Good luck and he is a handsome little one and you did good putting him back with Mom. Sometimes your gut judgement - your first judgement is the best one. Sometimes nature knows best. Best of luck to you both.
I will keep an eye on him. Thank you.
I don't have kayro syrup though but I have been feeding him eggs on the side of his food.
I decided to give him back to the mom and she was gentle. It's be a few hours.
Something doesn't look right though. It's been a few hours and he is really weak.
There is a lumpy round scab where the dried umbilical cord string should of been. 😟
It doesn't seem to have any sign of infection though. I'll keep my eye on it.

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