Help!! Baby chicks had no access to water!!’


Jul 27, 2020
Hi so my 2 two month old chicks are in a set up in a room in my house till they can go outside. They no longer need the heat lamp so it was off but somehow they escaped the set up I had for them and had no access to food or water all night and day! They have a huge water trough and food trough so I didn’t check on them this morning as I knew they had water and food/ the last time I checked on them was late last night. So this afternoon I go in there and they are walking around the room with access to WHO KNOWS WHAT! And when I put them back in the chugged down a ton of water and aren’t lethargic but one is breathing wierd sometimes. Will they be okay!!!???
PS 8 weeks is a great time to put them in their big girl house if it’s ready.
Thank you! I have 5 other hens outside in a wooden coop that have red mites at the moment so i should wait to put the babies out there till I get a new coop right?
Fix the red mites first for sure. Permethrin is your friend
I have that in powder form. I am just scared to use it because it says that if you put it on your chickens wrong it can burn their skin. I am putting it in their coop right now am I allowed to eat the eggs if they touch the Permethrin?

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