Help! Bird Not Eating

We have recently noticed that one of our females has become quite skinny (you can feel her breast bone) and is puffing up a lot more than the others in the cold weather. However she will not take food if you put it in front of her. She’s behaving normally and is only about 6 months old so I’m really not sure what the problem is. Any ideas? Thanks.
Okay my bird took a turn for the worst this morning and will now no longer stand up and isn’t taking as much sugar water as she was. The vets said they can’t see her and I don’t really know what else to do.
Okay my bird took a turn for the worst this morning and will now no longer stand up and isn’t taking as much sugar water as she was. The vets said they can’t see her and I don’t really know what else to do.
We have since noticed this really hard lump on her. Any idea what it could be?
Could she have blockage in her crop? I am by no means a vet or an expert so wait for a more experienced person to reply. How is her poop? Is she separated? Poor baby!
Hello I’m afraid she has since passed away. We’re currently concerned she had quail disease cuz she has a lot of the symptoms. She was separated with another quail for company so we’re keeping that quail separate and she’s gonna see a vet asap. Hoping im wrong and she doesn’t have it.
I'm so sorry for your loss. If you still have the body, you may want to send it in to a state lab for a necropsy. They're not very expensive, and knowing why she died can be important, especially if disease may be involved.

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