Help! Call Ducks Due!

Okay, egg 3 also has passed today. I opened them. They were both fully formed but had large amounts of Amber goo spilling out. One looks like it had started to absorb the yolk while the other looked like it had not. The one that had not was smaller, the yolk was larger, and had white stuff on the bottom of it. They were the worst 2. I am starting to fear I am going to lose the others too. They were moving this morning but you can start to see the amber glow good around the air cell. Just tell me whenever you think we should intervene.

Sticky YEK..
I am still home but have to leave in few minutes. All 3 have safe holes. I have moistened membranes with qtip and water. I see 2 bills but they have not broken inner membrane yet.
Help! Ok so I made a safe hole into the air cell and upped the humidity to around 70. I can see 2 bills but neither has pipped the internal membrane yet. Do I leave them alone for a few hours at this point? The 3rd looks like it may be malpositioned. I cannot find the beak and it appears to be the yolk sak that I am seeing with two lumps or nots in one spot. This membrane also appears tightly around the duckling which may be why it is malpositioned. It cannot move. I was hoping to hear something earlier as now I have to leave for a few hours, shoot!

???? I thought in your previous post you said you lost 3? HELP I'm confused, Did you mean you lost 2 he was pretty bad..
I lost 2 & 5. 1,3,4 are left.

OK that's about right, 2 and Five were really bad, so that makes since, honestly I don't think we could have saved them even if we tried, they were the worst ones with a LOT of gooy stuff. So now will concentrate on the good ones. OK, go run your errand and send me a message when you get back

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