Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster


8 Years
Oct 18, 2015
SE Kansas
I have a Frizzle Polish Roo that had a bad mite infestation. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to rid them from him but after almost 2 weeks he still has them. Not as bad so I’m obviously killing some but I can’t believe I can’t get rid of these things!
He was very weak and mostly likely on his death bed and I did get him a little stronger but he still will not eat on his own. I have to syringe feed him every day. I am feeding him Kaytee High Fat baby bird formula to get vitamins and a good form of nourishment in him. I’ve also given him Rooster Booster Poultry Cell in his water but have to syringe that down him also.
He has been separated from the others and in our house the entire time since I discovered the mites. I’ve sprayed him with Elector PSP a few times, bathed him twice, given him Ivermectin pour on drops10 days ago and again yesterday. I’ve put DE powder (very carefully) on him. And still....mites!!! I honestly don’t know what else to do. I don’t know why he won’t eat on his own at this stage either.
I have a Frizzle Polish Roo that had a bad mite infestation. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to rid them from him but after almost 2 weeks he still has them. Not as bad so I’m obviously killing some but I can’t believe I can’t get rid of these things!
He was very weak and mostly likely on his death bed and I did get him a little stronger but he still will not eat on his own. I have to syringe feed him every day. I am feeding him Kaytee High Fat baby bird formula to get vitamins and a good form of nourishment in him. I’ve also given him Rooster Booster Poultry Cell in his water but have to syringe that down him also.
He has been separated from the others and in our house the entire time since I discovered the mites. I’ve sprayed him with Elector PSP a few times, bathed him twice, given him Ivermectin pour on drops10 days ago and again yesterday. I’ve put DE powder (very carefully) on him. And still....mites!!! I honestly don’t know what else to do. I don’t know why he won’t eat on his own at this stage either.
You've had him in the house for 2 weeks and after all the treatments, bathing etc... he still has mites? Perhaps you need to get your house treated and definitely the coop where he was initially roosting. Remove all the bedding out of the coop and nest boxes and dispose of it or burn it. Clean it out real well and the spray it with permethrin 10% concentrate mixture. It has a 28 day residual. You can spray your Polish rooster with it as well, just avoid the eyes.
You've had him in the house for 2 weeks and after all the treatments, bathing etc... he still has mites? Perhaps you need to get your house treated and definitely the coop where he was initially roosting. Remove all the bedding out of the coop and nest boxes and dispose of it or burn it. Clean it out real well and the spray it with permethrin 10% concentrate mixture. It has a 28 day residual. You can spray your Polish rooster with it as well, just avoid the eyes.
I put towels down in the bathroom tub for him. Change the towels daily and wash out the tub daily. I see very few mites in the tub when I clean it out so it’s not like our house is crawling with
I’ve already sprayed down the area in the barn where he stays, sprinkled First Saturday Lime all around it and put in Hemp bedding. He stays up there in the Roo bachelor pad with 5 other Roos. But like I said, he’s been at the house for 2 weeks. He isn’t nearly as infested as he was but the fact that I’m still just seeing a few mites is driving me crazy. Plus I don’t understand why he refuses to eat on his own still.
I have given h
i have given him that. And I honestly don’t know if I should keep giving him the Kaytee baby bird feed every feeding because it has a lot of vitamins. Maybe I’m doing more harm than good? But that is the only thing I can get down him.
I have given him that. And I honestly don’t know if I should keep giving him the Kaytee baby bird feed every feeding because it has a lot of vitamins. Maybe I’m doing more harm than good? But that is the only thing I can get down him.
You are not harming him by giving Kaytee. Are you weighing him daily?
You are not harming him by giving Kaytee. Are you weighing him daily?
No, I haven’t. But he seems to have not lost an extreme amount of weight. He is weak which I’m sure the anemia has a lot to do with that. The good news is I put him in our courtyard today as it’s a beautiful warm day. He actually ate some scratch, some grubblies and some peas. And he’s walking around quite a bit. Amazingly there were still mites on him this morning. I realized I did have some Scalex Mite and Lice spray for birds which has Pyrethrins in it so I sprayed him down with that which seemed to kill the little buggers for now.
You really need to weigh him daily and if he isn't putting on weight you need to increase his feedings until he does.

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