With this being our first go at raising chickens, we went to our local farm store and bought 10 unsexed, mixed breed chickens. We know for certain 3 of them are Turkens...um how can you not know!
But the other 7 are a mystery to me.
Our chicks are 4 weeks old. I hope these pics are helpful. I appreciate any help anyone can give!!
(The one on the left has feathered feet. We were told perhaps an easter egg layer?)
(The white one. I tried to get closer, but she kept running away!
(A somewhat closer look at the white one and the other unknown.)
Thanks in advance!!
Our chicks are 4 weeks old. I hope these pics are helpful. I appreciate any help anyone can give!!
(The one on the left has feathered feet. We were told perhaps an easter egg layer?)
(The white one. I tried to get closer, but she kept running away!
(A somewhat closer look at the white one and the other unknown.)
Thanks in advance!!
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