Help chick hatching


Dec 5, 2018
hi guys i have 3 broody hwns clocking eggs 2 of them hatched one of which died it had blood around its eye 2 broody hens are in the same nesting box can any one give me information on when to give them chick feed and and precautions like bedding and how to care photos appreciated
@2 many chickens ty can i have ur opinion should i seperste the e 3 broody hens
I would, honestly. One chick is already dead. Can't say for sure it was one of the broods but the fact it was hatched and had a bloody eye says it may have been.
when I have broodys, each one is in its own area with its eggs. Its easier on the hens and chicks that hatch.
I don't know but it almost sounds like one of the broody killed the chick. Blood near the eye, etc.
I would not have two broodys together, honesty.
They usually stay under mom for the first day from what I've seen. Their yolk sacks they absorbed will sustain them for a bit.

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