HELP!!!! Chick with eye infection?


Mar 6, 2018
I have this baby chick who’s eye looks like it has gunk in it.. I have separated her from the other girls. They aren’t even a week old yet. This chick is probably a week or two old. She has it in her one eye and is scratching it so now that side of her head is red. I’ve tried sterile eye drops and I just put neosporin on it in the picture, I put her in her own little box with a heat lamp but I have made it so it’s not bright where she is. I really don’t want to lose her but I don’t want to take her in and spend a fortune on vet bills. She acts as tho she is trying to see out of the infected eye. Anyone with similar experience?? How do I help her?


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I don’t know :( I got her from TSC and noticed how bad it was. I will try to post a better picture tomorrow if she makes it the night. But it looks like eye gunk is in the hair around her eye and is causing part of the eye to be closed/not visible through. At TS they were saying she was eating and drinking fine and I took her home and she isn’t doing good at all. She’s sleeping and falling face first like other babies we’ve lost :(
I would suggest washing it with saline and not using neosorin on the eye terramycin maybe and try to put some electrolytes in her water
Where do I get teramycin?
I’ve read other posts about eye infections and they have said neosporin or coconut oil has helped clear up the infection. What should I make her eat since she’s not eating?
I don’t know :( I got her from TSC and noticed how bad it was. I will try to post a better picture tomorrow if she makes it the night. But it looks like eye gunk is in the hair around her eye and is causing part of the eye to be closed/not visible through. At TS they were saying she was eating and drinking fine and I took her home and she isn’t doing good at all. She’s sleeping and falling face first like other babies we’ve lost :(
How many chicks did you get that didn't make it? What are you offering for food? How long have you had her? Have you seen it eat and drink at all?

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