Help! Chick with upside down Head?!?!?! Not sure how to care for it...


9 Years
Oct 10, 2010
So i work at a farm store, and i was given a chick that came in the mail with the others.
They called me in (the day after my surgery lol) and said they had a chick that was in need of help.
I came into work to find this guy. They than informed me that the only other option was to "cull" him. so i agreed to take him home and Try to give him a chance.

He has an upside down head and neck? It is all honesty just looks like someone took the neck and attached it to the body, upside down.
He lifts it up. just not very high. but can curl it all the way under. (as though holding it high, is actually holding it down)
He also does not open his eyes, ever. they look under developed?

He does talk. and can swallow. Im not sure if he eats. but i was informed he could eat and drink when i picked him up. he also can stand completely up and walk around (but does seem to get dizzy an lose balance sometimes, assuming its cause he's blind) He Also walks Backwards? as though he is walking Forwards???

is there anyway of curing this? or helping him adapt? ive been told before someone raised one like this to maturity? anyone know of any?

Any help appreciated! Thanks!

Well.... he doesnt seem in pain. and he acts like a normal chick. He looks kind of demonic? but id like to give him a chance at it. Ive had one legged ducks, and blind chickens before. im pretty sure if i can get him through his chick phase, he'll fit in on the "funny farm" i have. some of my animals arent are "pretty" but i try to let them live if they have the fight. he so far seems to have it... im just wondering how i can help him keep at it?
That is wry neck...get some poly-vi-sol drops( with out iron) can find them with the prenatal/baby vitamins at wal-mart...give him a couple drops by mouth a few times a day and put a few drops in his water also.Wry neck is a vitamin is hard to fix and not all will make it but if he responds you will see a difference in just a couple the drops by mouth for a week and keep in water for a bit longer and watch close for relapse!GOOD LUCK..HOPE I WAS A HELP!!
Well I learned something new
Well here is an update on day two of the chick,

He is starting to put his lil head up, and his eyes have actually openned up! they were almost kitten like when he firsted openned em. only half way open at first than once he figured out he was looking at stuff he has to check Everything out.

we are still fighting with his head just spontaniously curling back under him. he seems distressed when this happens, as if he doesnt want it to happen.
He goes frantic and starts running and sliding backwards around the place. usually until he backs himself into a corner and stands upright again. or until he gets sleepy and just curls up and sleeps.

but he is Def. showing Major signs of improvement. since about 10 minutes into his first feeding.

i have been syringe feeding him a mixed mash of:
Medicated chick feed.
a crushed half pill of vitamin B12 complex.
mixed up with chick starter pac water.

so far he is Really improving. Hoping tomorrow will bring even better results!
This is a MIRACLE
,When I just read it it give me cold chills..And then I kept reading and saw what to do and then seen how he is now.It is so wonderful!!!!!!!!! Keep updates so we will know how it gets along,,,,,PLEASE!!!!!!!,,So SWEET!!!!

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