Help! Chick with wry neck!


Aug 26, 2019
Today when I went to tractor supply they had a bin of chickens for 50 cents each so I bought the rest of them and the manager said he had two in the back who were special needs. So naturally I took them. Among one of them was this fella with wry neck. I’ve never had to deal with this so any help is greatly appreciated.
(Sorry if the picture is turned sideways I took it at a awkward angle)
Start chick vitamins right away—something like Poultry Cell or NutriDrench will act quickly. Get the chick drinking water and offer food. It sounds like wry neck (torticolis) and can be hereditary, from a head or neck injury, and from a vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency. Hopefully, you can save it, but it might not make it if the chick has not been eating or drinking. Check it’s bottom for any dried poo and clean off with soap and water. Do you have it under heat?
Start chick vitamins right away—something like Poultry Cell or NutriDrench will act quickly. Get the chick drinking water and offer food. It sounds like wry neck (torticolis) and can be hereditary, from a head or neck injury, and from a vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency. Hopefully, you can save it, but it might not make it if the chick has not been eating or drinking. Check it’s bottom for any dried poo and clean off with soap and water. Do you have it under heat?
It is under heat yes.
The poor thing isn’t getting any better. If anything she’s getting worse. I’ve been giving her brewers yeast to help with the wry neck which has improved some but she is very lethargic right now. She doesn’t want to move she can’t walk correctly (I think she has splayed legs which I’m putting a brace on her as we speak) and she is chirping constantly. I’ve checked to see if she’s constipated but she doesn’t seem like she is. I’m worried I might have to cull her. What should I do?
She also keeps twitching and shivering especially in her legs they just shake like a leaf. I thought she might be cold so I put her under a heat lamp but that didn’t help any.
I would also use vitamin E. A poultry vitamin such as Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell has E, B1, selenium and others. Sorry that she is not responding well to treatment. I hope that you can save her, but if she seems to be suffering, it might be best to put her down.

Did she just recently be put under a heat lamp? Was she not always given heat since you brought her home?

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