Help! Chinese goose 28 days incubation


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
Hello to everyone on the site and thank you for the time and knowledge you all have put into these forums to help others like me out. I'm Jorge and this is the situation I find myself with one of the eight eggs of Chinese goose I been incubating since March 27. Since yesterday I been waiting for them to start piping internally and when I left to work yesterday night all eggs where in pretty good shape all have lost their 15% weight and the geese all move arround when I candle the eggs. Well this one egg always had a small crack and I thought well it will prob not make it through the first week. Well, it proved me wrong and it has been doing just as good as the other 7. But today when I candle it I find that the space/air bubble had gotten considerably big compared to the rest and it appeared the membranes inside had collapsed. The chick is moving inside when I candle the egg but I am afraid of not knowing what I do.
I still got the incubator at 99.0F 25% humidity as I don't have any external piping yet. Though the 2nd incubator is set with 99.0F 70% ready so I can move the eggs once they pip that outer shell. I went and made a small hole on the shell to see what is going on inside and yes the membrane has collapsed from the site of the existing crack the egg had. Though there is no bleeding but I can see the membrane with the arteries exposed inside. I was afraid that it would start to dry out so I did moved this egg to the high humidity incubator. The geese is moving inside the egg but I don't know hat to do for now iam just waiting and hoping any of you can shine a light on my situation. Thank you any information would be greatly appreciated.



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Here is an update. The baby seems pretty active in there he is moving a lot but I took a pick through the hole and I see no internal pip in the membrane. The air pocket does not seem to be getting and I gess is a good thing. The light change inside the egg was from the baby moving in there pretty actively


In the mean time this is what the others have been doing


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Move all eggs to the second bator with high humidity once they have internally pipped. This will help them more to stay moist once they pip externally.
For the collapsed membrane, if you can still see veins on that end hes not ready. Keep an eye on it and wrap the egg in a warm moist towel leaving the hole exposed. It will help keep the membrane from sticking. Watch for the veins to recede you may have to pip the membrane yourself. If you do, this will be a long process and shouldnt be rushed. Pip it for him enough for it to breathe. If you see ANY blood STOP. Place him back in and wait some more. Hatching takes 24-48 hrs for geese & he needs all the time he can get to absorb everything inside him.
Hello again and thank you 8geeseALaying for the guidance and advice. I moved 5 to the sec bator as they have pip internally already and for the one with the collapsed membrane when I candle his shell not much arteries/veins where visible like on the far (tapered) end. So against my thoughts (because I was scare to make the same mistake I have done before on an earlier hatch) I decided to followed your advice to go in and pip enough for him to breath. I read Pete's guide and found very useful information for my situation towards the end section. I was able to get the membrane from around his pick pulled back with no bleeding. He is still moving a lot in there and I also had 2 empty shells from two other eggs that where not fertile. I wrapped him up with the moist towell, I put some small holes with a drill bit on one of the spare shells and gave him a battle helmet. I really hope he comes through. All this tension is definitely so worth it. I can't wait for them to be out.


Awesome news update. Here he/she is I went checking this morning jus a few minutes ago and the poor baby was peeping so I decided to take it one step further and take his head and upper torso out. Prep the tools and removed a little more of the shell around him. Slowly working on that shell around the head so I could remove it easy. Got his head and upper torso out and when I candle the inside of the egg I did not see the yolk which is a good thing. Though when I candle the shell on the tapered end I can still see som really thick arteries/veins inside of the shell so I am not going to do nothing else just let him come through. Then what a scare he tried to kick out of the shell which really scare me because I had just check those arteries/veins out, but then he just went into the I'm really tired mode and calmed down. Here are some more pics.

8GeeseALaying I want to take the time to thank very much for the help. I did not know what do to and I was really scared to actually do anything and harm the baby, but with your advice I was able to go through with it and help this adorable baby. I can't wait for him/her to be all fluffy showing off those beautiful yellow/black colors.
8GeeseALaying I want to take the time to thank very much for the help. I did not know what do to and I was really scared to actually do anything and harm the baby, but with your advice I was able to go through with it and help this adorable baby. I can't wait for him/her to be all fluffy showing off those beautiful yellow/black colors.

Aww what a great story and so thankful gosling is doing good, is it completely out of the shell yet? you had a great mid wife too.

Congrats on this one and the ones to come.
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If the baby isn't completely out yet, I would stand the egg on end and wrap it in damp towel like a chick volcano. That way, he doesn't try to get out before he's ready.

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