Help!?! clipped chickens wing and i dont think its helping, did i do it wrong or what next


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 29, 2012
The Wild & Wonderful State
Help!?! my leggern has jumped out of her run 3 days in a row, thank goodness when we walk out shes just relaxing in the yard (dont know for how long) anywayz clipped her top long feathers on one side probably about a 1/4 in and she finally SHOWED me how she just kinda hops right out next cut about 1/2 inch making top feathers a SMIDGE shorter than he bottom ones ( i know the picture showed to use the bottom ones as sort of a guide, but hers are sooo long) anyways i have to wait till tomorrow to see if she can get out again, my question is if she can still get out what do i do next?? how far are you originally suppose to cut them, and is it a possibility that clipping them isnt going to help??
yah thats the only website ive seen the picture shows cutting the top long ones to the length as the shorter bottom ones, i cut her top ones and they are barely shorter than the bottoms but actually now that i looked at the picture again it still looks like they cut more than i did, im getting ready to go outside right now and see if she is still in her pen (fingers crossed) if she gets out again i suppose the only thing to do is cut shorter, is there a way to cut to short? and where are the blood feathers they are talking about? she is all white and when i spread her wing out i didnt see any blood inside the feathers i was cutting. She did soo good though and we never messed with their wings before she acted like she didnt even feel it thank goodness, now if i can just keep her on the ground heh any more advice and anything is greatly appreciated thanks

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