Help confirm my guess on these two little roos?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Hello! I have two suspected roosters in my flock (which I don't mind - I'll keep them regardless).

Gary is 12 weeks old here. He's a Polish mixed with one of my hens (maybe my Australorp but not sure. We hatched him here but still can't tell who his mom is). I'm pretty sure he's male, as he seems to be growing in some saddle feathers. He has the smallest little barb nubs starting. Roo?

This little guy isn't named yet. He's 10 weeks old and was supposed to be an Easter Egger (but doesn't have pea comb or a beard - I got him & his sisters from someone else). He seems to be growing saddle feathers, and he has large barbs starting on his legs. He recently started to get a reddish tinge to his shoulder feathers and look at that tail. Roo or no?

Your opinion would be awesome, as my gut is telling me they're both roos and knowing that they are would definitely help me pick a name for that second bird. Thanks!
At under 3 months old your second one is a rooster. The "barbs" are spur nubs, which all chickens have. Some hens will even grow spurs like a rooster. Can you get a picture of what you think are saddle feathers coming in on the polish cross?
I'm not the best guesser either, but the first one looks like a hen to me. The second has a hen body, but the comb and wattles seem too big and red for a hen at 10 weeks. I'd guess #1 hen, #2 roo (cockerel, technically).
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