This is the only one they sell in my area. I always keep a bottle in the fridge door for emergencies.
If she makes it until tomorrow at 4pm that is when the vet opens office, lets see what he says. It is a 4 hour drive, so I hope she can stand that. Thanks so much for your support. I feel so useless so your support means much to me.

Oh, no....I'm so sorry to hear he passed... :(

I'd ABSOLUTELY be sending your neighbor the bills over this. I'm so, so sorry....
Geesee didn't make it. She passed away this morning at 7:30am. She didn't want to die. A month ago approximately she laid an egg, which she didn't warmed. I took the any a placed it under one of my ducks who had 6 eggs. The gosling egg hatched 6 days ago. Because the duck eggs hatched 2 days before, that gosling egg finished hatching in the incubator. Geesee was warming other 3 eggs that she laid after that one. Those organs are now in the incubator waiting to hatch. When she was in her kernel in the kitchen I placed the gosling in a small cage and placed her next to her kernel. That was something to see. The expressions on her eyes was that of a lovely mother, trying at max to survive for her baby. She stood up, and called him, and he answered back.
Now I have the task to raise this gosling and the other three that will hatch. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Now, Also, I am treating Pavita, the young turkey who was also attacked. Someone told me that everything that ended in Caine was toxic to poultry. I injected her yesterday an antibiotic, which I posted the picture, that contained procaine. I fear now to dose her today with that same antibiotic. She is accepting food (oats and medicated chick food), and drinking water which I added electrolytes, niacin, and vitamins.
Can someone advice me if I should inject more antibiotics? Her wounds are serious also, but not as much as tne geese. She has two wounds. One on her lef breast and one also on the left side close to her tail.
Thanks all for your support. I will mourne forever my two adorable babies.
My neighbor dogs were leashed but got loose like more than a month ago. He claimed he didn't have money to buy a new leash and he will do it when "things get better". Now, after the disgrace of loosing my geese and polish hen and having a struggling turkey for survival, he leashed his dogs. Now, I have to drive in front of his house every day and see those ******** who killed an adorable part of my flock barking to my car when I drive by. Now he says, "that's part of nature and instinct, there is nothing more to be done. " He claims his financial situations "doesn't allow him to pay for any damages.". Not even an "I am sorry" is heard.
Geesee didn't make it. She passed away this morning at 7:30am. She didn't want to die. A month ago approximately she laid an egg, which she didn't warmed. I took the any a placed it under one of my ducks who had 6 eggs. The gosling egg hatched 6 days ago. Because the duck eggs hatched 2 days before, that gosling egg finished hatching in the incubator. Geesee was warming other 3 eggs that she laid after that one. Those organs are now in the incubator waiting to hatch. When she was in her kernel in the kitchen I placed the gosling in a small cage and placed her next to her kernel. That was something to see. The expressions on her eyes was that of a lovely mother, trying at max to survive for her baby. She stood up, and called him, and he answered back.
Now I have the task to raise this gosling and the other three that will hatch. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Now, Also, I am treating Pavita, the young turkey who was also attacked. Someone told me that everything that ended in Caine was toxic to poultry. I injected her yesterday an antibiotic, which I posted the picture, that contained procaine. I fear now to dose her today with that same antibiotic. She is accepting food (oats and medicated chick food), and drinking water which I added electrolytes, niacin, and vitamins.
Can someone advice me if I should inject more antibiotics? Her wounds are serious also, but not as much as tne geese. She has two wounds. One on her lef breast and one also on the left side close to her tail.
Thanks all for your support. I will mourne forever my two adorable babies.
Sorry for your losses... The procaine penicillian you have is listed in my drug book as used in turkeys, but not chickens because of the risk of procaine toxicity in smaller birds, so I think you'll be fine and you can *probably* give her another shot. I'll post the dosing info later.

This link might have some dosing info:
My neighbor dogs were leashed but got loose like more than a month ago. He claimed he didn't have money to buy a new leash and he will do it when "things get better". Now, after the disgrace of loosing my geese and polish hen and having a struggling turkey for survival, he leashed his dogs. Now, I have to drive in front of his house every day and see those ******** who killed an adorable part of my flock barking to my car when I drive by. Now he says, "that's part of nature and instinct, there is nothing more to be done. " He claims his financial situations "doesn't allow him to pay for any damages.". Not even an "I am sorry" is heard.
Get a gun!
Get a gun!

Absolutely agree! And "financial situations" or not, he is liable for your losses because HIS dogs trespassed on YOUR property and attacked YOUR pets. Not even apologizing? I'd be going to my district attorney/county attorney ASAP and filing charges. If he can't keep his dogs under control, he shouldn't have the dogs.

If they get in your yard ever again, you have the right to kill them as they are acting as predators.

I am so very, very sorry for your loss - hopefully you'll develop a strong bond with their young, so they may live on through their children. *Hugs*
Thanks so much for that reference. I gave her 1/2 cc of penicillin and cleaned her wounds again this morning. Applied triple antibiotic ointment and a dressing balm for helping the wounds to dry. The positive is she is eating, not as voracious she used to, but she is eating and drinking. She is keeping calm inside her box, she stands and gets out sometimes. She is very docile and has a very calm temper and is very cooperative. About my neighbor, I'll let you know what happens. I feel like taking the poor dead bodies of my babies and show him what his dogs did, cause he hasn't even bother to see the damages or to come to my farm. Thanks all.
sorry for your loss. we lost 6 marans yesterday to a neighbors dog. ive lost most of my hearing an couldnt hear what was going on. only if i could hear maybe i could of saved them.
Geesee didn't make it. She passed away this morning at 7:30am. She didn't want to die. A month ago approximately she laid an egg, which she didn't warmed. I took the any a placed it under one of my ducks who had 6 eggs. The gosling egg hatched 6 days ago. Because the duck eggs hatched 2 days before, that gosling egg finished hatching in the incubator. Geesee was warming other 3 eggs that she laid after that one. Those organs are now in the incubator waiting to hatch. When she was in her kernel in the kitchen I placed the gosling in a small cage and placed her next to her kernel. That was something to see. The expressions on her eyes was that of a lovely mother, trying at max to survive for her baby. She stood up, and called him, and he answered back.
Now I have the task to raise this gosling and the other three that will hatch. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Now, Also, I am treating Pavita, the young turkey who was also attacked. Someone told me that everything that ended in Caine was toxic to poultry. I injected her yesterday an antibiotic, which I posted the picture, that contained procaine. I fear now to dose her today with that same antibiotic. She is accepting food (oats and medicated chick food), and drinking water which I added electrolytes, niacin, and vitamins.
Can someone advice me if I should inject more antibiotics? Her wounds are serious also, but not as much as tne geese. She has two wounds. One on her lef breast and one also on the left side close to her tail.
Thanks all for your support. I will mourne forever my two adorable babies.
I am so sorry for your loss. If I were you, I would seriously consider filing a police report. On a monetary level, you have lost quite a bit, but it has obviously hurt you emotionally. For him to not even show remorse would be enough for me to take legal action. If it were a kind neighbor who understood how horrible it was and was willing to help correct the dogs behavior, that would be different.

I am so sorry for your loss.

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