help dog attacked

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Feeding Ol Roy is like feeding your dog candy bars for its meal. It's not good for it. Caring for animals does mean providing a balanced diet. Look at the first ingredients and that should be enough to make you run. Why do you think it's so cheap?

They get kibles an bits ever other month.
Enjoy your pets everyday. Give them the best life you can while you have them. You have to set limits. I will not raise my children without pets. Nor will I put my family in longterm debt over any animal. I love my pets. I keep them current on meds and such. They have a wonderful home. That's the best I can do. At least we all enjoyed our time together

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People do the best they can for their pets. I think that is what most of us ask of pet owners.

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Bless his heart I feel so sorry for your elderly neighbour and the whole situation. The most wonderful thing that has happened for him though is that he has neighbours who are unstinting in their care and concern for him and his pets. I hope you know that you really are quite remarkable people!
Bless his heart I feel so sorry for your elderly neighbour and the whole situation. The most wonderful thing that has happened for him though is that he has neighbours who are unstinting in their care and concern for him and his pets. I hope you know that you really are quite remarkable people!

Thank you, we don't know what else do to for him. We are out of resources and ideas now and wish we could do more. In short, we seem to be stuck.
Enjoy your pets everyday. Give them the best life you can while you have them. You have to set limits. I will not raise my children without pets. Nor will I put my family in longterm debt over any animal. I love my pets. I keep them current on meds and such. They have a wonderful home. That's the best I can do. At least we all enjoyed our time together

I am not rich. Not even CLOSE- I'm a freakin' dog groomer. I have paid many thousands of dollars in surgeries for my Pit Bull over her 8 years of life. She has a lot of orthopedic issues. I scrimped, saved, shut off internet, sold stuff, and ate a LOT of rice in order to afford her surgeries. I don't regret a single freaking penny.

My dogs are living, breathing creatures. They feel pain and suffering. When I bring an animal into my life, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to keep them comfortable and pain free.

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Enjoy your pets everyday. Give them the best life you can while you have them. You have to set limits. I will not raise my children without pets. Nor will I put my family in longterm debt over any animal. I love my pets. I keep them current on meds and such. They have a wonderful home. That's the best I can do. At least we all enjoyed our time together

I agree, I do all the wormers and shots, but if its bad enough to need a vet then I put them down quick and clean.
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