Help, drake with head stuck in fence

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
I was heading out to put the kids to bed. My drake has been in drake jail, a folding wire dog pen which i move routinely to fresh grass in the middle of activity where the girls are. Hes been prone to stupidity before. But today i heard flapping and realized his head was stuck in the fence, i think it looks swollen and he seems to be having trouble swallowing, at first he wanted peas, but then no more. He can hold it up to walk but in water he does what you see in the video. He wants to go to water. I wonder if his neck is swollen, or leg injured. Hes in the coop in his crate, which has somewhat smaller bars . I figured less stress than in the house.
Please advise.


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If you have Epsom salt, you could put an Epsom salt compress around his neck and try and help reduce the inflammation. If it were my duck, I would give it an anti-inflammatory. Otherwise, I would let him rest.

Having him checked out by a vet is always best. At least trying to reduce the inflammation till you can will help him.
If you have Epsom salt, you could put an Epsom salt compress around his neck and try and help reduce the inflammation. If it were my duck, I would give it an anti-inflammatory. Otherwise, I would let him rest.

Having him checked out by a vet is always best. At least trying to reduce the inflammation till you can will help him.
Any suggestions for an anti inflammatory? And dosage?

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