HELP! Dying Rooster!

In the no flash photo it looks like he has an oddly shaped pupil sort of like an oval and big. He could be blind since when you talk to him is the only time he reacts that could explain a lot not being able to see the food to well or walk so if he is blind a few things could have caused it. Do any of his eyes look scabby,bloody, or just messed up? He could also have Mareks disease which can lad to blindness and paralysis have any of his wings been hanging down stiff? Or can he walk all right? Try testing the pupils to see if they react to movement and light. I'm so sorry about this. Good luck.
I'm so sorry that you lost Satan.:hugs

I just wanted to post somthing as a point of reference. I have lost 4 roosters and hens to ocular Marek's. All four lasted approximately 18 months from the time of the first evidence of grey eye. Here is a picture of the first one. A Buff Orpington hen called Taffy.


I didn't see this in the pictures of Satan's eyes. I think the coloration is just normal pigmentation.

It might serve the rest of your flock if you consider having Satan necropsied so you know without doubt what killed him.

If it is Marek's, the rest of your flock is exposed and carrying the horrible disease.

Once again, my deepest condolences. We all know how painful it is to loose a favorite bird.
Thank you all!
Satan was such a little butthole, but we all loved him, and enjoyed him!
He was my guard rooster.
It didn’t matter what time of the night it was, if something came on the property, he crowed. Whether it was a bear or a raccoon! He let us know!
Every time I pulled out of the driveway he flogged my car.
He also flogged the mailman, or any other human that came to my house
My son and his grandma bought him for me as a chick, at tractor supply around 4 years ago.
I raised him from a baby.

My husband works out of town. So I had to bury Satan myself. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I told my 9 year old daughter, who would’ve ever thought we would be out here sobbing over a rooster that tormented us for the last 4 years!
Satan was definitely one of a kind. He was loved and hated at the same time. And he will forever be in our hearts!
Fly high my little buddy..

I am a big fan of roosters. I've sobbed over everyone of them that I've lost, no matter what the reason. Even the ones that were little jerks.

I'm so very deeply sorry over the loss of your dear daughter. What a heartbreak for you and your family.
Satan passed away last night
My heart is broken.

Thank you all!
Satan was such a little butthole, but we all loved him, and enjoyed him!
He was my guard rooster.
It didn’t matter what time of the night it was, if something came on the property, he crowed. Whether it was a bear or a raccoon! He let us know!
Every time I pulled out of the driveway he flogged my car.
He also flogged the mailman, or any other human that came to my house
My son and his grandma bought him for me as a chick, at tractor supply around 4 years ago.
I raised him from a baby.

My husband works out of town. So I had to bury Satan myself. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I told my 9 year old daughter, who would’ve ever thought we would be out here sobbing over a rooster that tormented us for the last 4 years!
Satan was definitely one of a kind. He was loved and hated at the same time. And he will forever be in our hearts!
Fly high my little buddy..

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