
In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
My hen who has been having trouble laying eggs now has an egg that is "stuck" but it's not stuck inside, it's outside but it is encased in membrane. Can I cut that membrane to unleash the egg? I'm all alone here and don't know if that is something I can do by myself. Trying to round up help in neighborhood. Has anyone had this problem before?
She's whimpering badly.
stuck in a membrane? don't cut it it sounds like her vent-egg stuck in vent or prolapse vent---put her in a warm bath-now hopefully that will relax her to push it out..vaseline around her vent to help ease it out. dark area away from other chickens so she can relax...

good luck
someone with alot more experience will come soon to help
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Take some vaseline and stick it in the membrane carefully in a circle around the egg. It will stretch and then gently work the egg toward the vent and the menbrane should pull back in.
Not sure how I would stick vaseline in the membrane, I can't see an opening. Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
can you see the egg? not just in the membrane wrapped up, but any part of the egg? if so rub vaseline between the egg and the skin of the membrane-making it "slip "out easier.
The membrane you are seeing is her insides, the canal that the egg moves through, which came out with the egg. You have to get the egg the rest of the way out, and hopefully the insides will go back in.

Just in case it wasn't clear to you yet; I am sure you are feeling panicky.
Egg is out. Hubby got home and while I held Ramona, he found the opening and got the egg out. She's wiped out. Thanks for all the immediate help, it was much appreciated
oh Im so happy-I had to leave to go to a school concert and I checked yor post as soon as I walked in the door to see how things were going!!! yeah.just keep her quit in a dark place with some food and water- hope shes up and running in the morning for you...

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