Wow that is so awful... I am sorry you had to go through this! There should be a warning label.
Sorry for your son also... not a good thing to see but a life lesson we all have to learn at one still stinks though...I hate it!
I always use sulmet for the first week as soon as they arive i have the water ready with it in there i feel it just helps the chicks start. Great little product. Ok with that said I had 50 chicks shiped in last year all Vacc. and feed Med feed found out this year they do cancel eachother out. I had no problems with the chicks tho. What i have had problems with is some of the baby calves have been raising. I'm thinking that they may be related but do not know as conditions have been exelent for cocci. this year.
okay here are the numbers as of right now, I have left
1 red star
3 black stars
3 white rocks
2 leghorns

3 leghorns down and loast a black star last night.

I know i am grasping at straws, but I have given the ones left antibiotics, so here's praying I have better news when i get home this afternoon
So so sorry for your loss
If you have your box look at the hatch date and ship date and when you recived thelm. My guess at this point is that they may have chilled in transit. Your temp as a little high in your brooder but that would not have affected that many chicks only the ones right at the hottest point (if that was even a concern) as i say in my earlyer post i have vacc and feed med feed befor knew it was bad but never lost chicks from it. I lost 15 out of 25 from MM in febuary but it was no doubt shiping stress something went wrong and they were on the road a little to long. I have 125 comeing in may.
I have it seperated, so they can get away from the heat or go to it. If I hold them up to the water, they will drink, but not by themselves. I don't know what to do!

Chicks normally will move away from heat that is too warm, but I've read stories here at BYC about chicks that are just too weak or for what ever reason don't. Be sure the temp is not above 95 right under the lamp.
I received 86 chicks from MM on Feb 16th. I've only lost 3 (and they had included 4 extras so I'm still ahead). McMurray will replace or give a refund for the lost bantams.
I had a similar problem last year with an order from McM 90% dead in a few days. I do not think it is with McM but with the PO and the cold. I believe your chicks were just too weak to stand and they keel over from the stress and weaken condition. Hand feed and hand water those that survive
I didn't know Meyer vaccinated for Coccidiosis. I checked their site and could only find Mareks vaccinations.
I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time following your post. You said you didn't know they were vaccinated for cocci so you fed medicated starter? The medicated starter does make the vaccination useless (because it prevents the chicks from developing resistance to the protozoan), but the vaccination does not make the medicated feed useless (i.e. the medicated feed should still have been effective whether the chicks were vaccinated or not).


After checking Meyers site and not finding information on vaccination for Coccidiosis, I emailed them (I've never ordered from them, but they already responded back to my question). They don't offer the Coccidiosis vaccination:

Hello, We do offer vaccinations for our day old chicks.
The only one that we will do is mareks. If you cotact
a local vet they will be able to do the other vaccines.

Thank You,

On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 12:57:51 GMT, matthew friend <[email protected]>
> hi sales or support:
> i would like to know what kinds of vaccinations do you offer for chicks?
> do you offer mareks and coccidiosis or just mareks?
> thanks,
> matthew​
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I don't think there are any studies or real evidence that the coccidiosis vaccine ends up killing chicks. Also, feeding medicated feed after a chick has been vaccinated for cocci will not harm the chick (its just a waste of money). I like to read up on disease/vaccine so if you have a website that I missed that discusses feeding medicated feed after the vaccination killing chicks I'd like to read it.

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