I just went to a work shop at Michigan State University on poultry.

This is what they recommended.

Vaccinate for Mareck's only.

Feed medicated feed with this schedule

week 1: 100% medicated
week 2: 75% medicated and 25% unmedicated
week 3 50% medicated and 50% unmedicated
week 4: 25% medicated and 75% unmedicated
week 5 and beyond: 100% unmedicated

If you switch over from one exterme to the other the chicks have a hard time adjusting.

Hope this helps for future chicks.

Sorry about your loss. On a side note, I have never heard great things about mcm. Try to find a hatchery in your state or a neighboring state. Shorter time traveling and hopefully less stress too.

Just spoke to McM and told them there were only 9 left. They said they would replace the whole order. I am not going to vaccinate for cocc. and just feed the medicated feed this time. Keep praying for my babies that I have left! Thanks for all your help!
I tried to find the information you gave regarding vaccinations and medicated feed on the MSU site. I had issues with their search function. Do you have a link? The .pdf I did find at the MSU site recommened several vaccinations, not just Mareks (Newcastles, bronchitis, Mareks, Fowl Pox, etc.) The .pdf was written before the Coccidiosis vaccine was developed and tested though so I can't say if the .pdf was updated if they would or wouldn't recommend it.

I have had excellent experiences with them. My chicks are doing well, and their customer service was very nice. ("Never" is a strong word to use")
Excellent advice. I live in Nebraska so McMurray is pretty close to me. Up until December 2008 I lived in Ohio. If I lived in Ohio still, I would have chosen one of the hatcheries in Ohio. The less distance and time the little chicks have in transit, the healthier they are likely to be.

Here is a link to the .pdf I found some vaccination info in at the MSU site:

I am not sure if the information that I got from the MSU workshop is posted on their website. The gentleman that taught our class is Dr. R.M. Fulton, D.V.M. ,Ph.D, Dipl. A.C.P.V. Not sure what all the letters mean, except doctor of veterinary medicine:) He works at the Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health College of Veterinary Medicine at MSU.

If you would like contact information for Dr. Folton, please PM me and I will gladly give it to you.

He is very knowledgeable and could probably tell you what happened to your chicks over the phone.

My comment on that I had never heard good things about mcm is from poultry judges. The stock that comes from McMurry is not show quality. So the kids that show poultry from them at the county fair do not do well. The judges recommend getting from a breeder for the best quality.

This is great advice for everyone since the money invested in getting chickens can be pricey. I would want the best stock I could get for my money.

That is my 2 cents worth.

I'm glad that they're going to replace your order, but terribly sorry that you and your family had to go through such a traumatic ordeal.

Best wishes.
I am sorry about losing all your little chicks. I have only ordered from Meyer Hatchery and have wonderful experiences with them. Good luck with new chicks.

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